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Started by troll, June 16, 2012, 01:14:00 PM

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 :bad:testing my speedometer after repear, I used a drill in the end of the wire, it vere only working when the drill was in revers, is this normal?
Old man


pretty sure the speedo only works in one direction. and i believe the speedo drive spins clockwise if you disconnect the cable from the wheel and watch it turn as the bike is rolled forward. Had to do it myself to find out. :good2: So the drill would have to be in reverse to spin the speedometer in the right direction.


Old man


Think about it.  The direction of your speedo drive has absolutely no connection whatsoever to what's "forward" or "reverse" on an electric drill.  So no surprise that the drill has to run in reverse.



In my poor english it was the only way I could explain the it, but thanks :flag_of_truce:
Old man