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Swapping spark plugs

Started by thaduke2003, April 06, 2012, 12:32:19 PM

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So I got a new set of NGK plugs, and am looking to swap them in. How do I remove the front plastic bits to get at the plugs? Thanks! Mark W.


A service manual would help alot in this case.
Are you referring to the cooling scoops  that go over the top of the engine?
They come out when removing the side scoops.
Remove the required screws and carefully pull the scoops out of the side of the upper fairing.

"I want to be free to ride my machine without being hassled by the "man"!
91 FJ1200


I have the OE FSM- it just says "Remove air scoops" and go at it- not overly helpful! :)

The little plastic scoops just pull out, then? What about the plastic clips? Mark W.


Remove seat. Remove gas tank. Remove the exterior air scoops on side of fairing.  The interior air ducts will come with them.

Change plugs.



Do you have an '84 or '85 with the 2 small plastic clips/rivets?  If so, then gently press the "plug" in the center of the rivet until you feel it click.  You should be able to gently pry the rivet out. 

To reassemble, pull the center rivet plug completely out, insert it to the first notch, install the scoop, insert the rivet, press the core until it is flush to capture the rivet in the hole.

Sounds complicated, but once you get it apart, you'll see the magic.



Ok- figured it out. Ended up removing the tank for more room, and to check everything out/familiarize myself. Not a bad job, until the rubber gasket/thing for the front of the tank got in the way on re-install- annoying! Oh well- it's back together :) Mark W.