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Mods to my uk based fj1200 R1 front end and R1 rear wheel.

Started by dixiethedog, June 22, 2010, 03:12:53 PM

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No worries!  I really like yours and others that start with billet and "express themselves"!  I was a bit limited on source material, so I did what I could.  :hi:
Actually, a guy can live by motorcycling alone.

Although it might require multiple bikes. :D


Having read back one of my last posts,i must be going mental,i said that i didnt enjoy the windblast from my friends streetfightered vtr1000,so what have i done,bought a kawasaki zxr750 and streetfightered it.
I rode about 200miles the other day on it,and when i got off,thought how comfortable the fj looked. So i figure time wasted on the Kawasaki,yamaha here i come!!!
Also,ive been painting an fj1100 for a friend,he's collecting the paintwork tomorrow,and i hope he likes it?


Thats soapy water on the tank by the way.
Too confuse people heres another part of the bike.
One of the rear fenders,as its a trike!
Also,my bad back inducing Kawasaki....Im too old for this thing.

This is just before i finished it for the time being,the rear hugger went in the bin,and the can needs to be shortened. The lights did get fastened back on.


Looking thru my shed,i found 3 new 240 section avon tires,this has got me thinking,maybe i can widen the stock arm and make a fat back end assembly for my bike. A friend of mine was running a 230 avon on the back of his fj chopper,so,i figure it can be done?


Quote from: dixiethedog on May 06, 2011, 10:08:41 AM
Looking thru my shed,i found 3 new 240 section avon tires,this has got me thinking,maybe i can widen the stock arm and make a fat back end assembly for my bike. A friend of mine was running a 230 avon on the back of his fj chopper,so,i figure it can be done?

Yeah, but WHY would you want to? 
The 240 is known for it's AWESOME handling!



Why not just buy a fourth one and put them on your car, instead?


It looks like some of you dont care for the 240 wide wheel idea?
I have thick skin so can take critiscim well.
Im about to start a gsxr (one off arm)conversion with the bike,with maybe just a skinny 5.5 inch wide kawasaki wheel (already fitted),but the arm will take upto a 9inch wide rim. So watch this space,and see what happens.
Ive neglected the bike for a long time now,but this year Ive been thru hell. My Dad was diagnosed with cancer last Feb,and its been a painful year watching him suffer and very sadly die just a short while ago. But im back now!!!!!
Ive just ordered some stainless braided hoses and fittings for the crankcase breather and oil cooler,a new cnc'd billet gas cap and a few more bits and pieces,so hopefully we should see progress again.


Sorry to hear about your Dad, too much of that thing going around here these days.

Concerning the 240 rear tire, what do you intend to do with the bike?  Chopper show bike? Drag bike? Daily driver? Weekend performance machine?

There is a reason NO sportbikes currently come with a 240 tire and NEVER will.  This is one of those rare instances where bigger is not necessarily better.  A tire that wide will absolutely kill the handling of the bike.  But if you're not interested in handling, then don't listen to me and do what your inner voice tells you to do.  After all, it's your bike.


Dan Filetti

Quote from: SlowOldGuy on November 21, 2011, 05:37:24 PM
This is one of those rare instances where bigger is not necessarily better.  

Spoken like a true Texan!!

Live hardy, or go home. 


Im still very much undecided what to do? Too be honest,the one thing i hated about my FJ was the handling or lack of it. I dont know how anybody can ride one with the standard horrible tires? This is the reason i ended up with a kawasaki rim out back,and when completed a TL1000 front end.
Im definately wanting the aftermarket swingarm fitted. After that,i can mess with wheels and tire sizes? I have all the gear here,so apart from time,its not really costing me anything. If a 240 back end handles so badly i cant stand it,i'll revert back to either the kawasaki rim thats in at the moment,or maybe a 6inch wide zx7r rim? To me its about a bit of experimentation,otherwise we all end up pretty much the same! (not a bad thing!). The bikes never going to be an R1 or GSXR1000,it will always be an old bike,so lets see how things go,and we can decide what we all think at a later date?
Ive an open mind. LOL.
Ive also a nice little workshop,with a small seperate spray booth,Ive a lathe amd a milling machine,a tube bender,a blast cabinet,mig and acdc Tig welding gear.....etc etc...  I dont profess to being a good machinest or fabricator,but in honesty I sometimes feel more comfortable in my workshop than out on the road,so Im happy to fiddle and mess with parts to see how they can be adapted and made to work in or on a bike.
Im working to finish a couple of paint jobs for friends and a few little engineering jobs for others,once they are done,im not taking any work in for other bikes,as im gonna concentrate 10000000% on my own stuff!


Today i found somebody local-ish,who was selling a yamaha xjr1300 set of 4-1 downpipes for a very small amount of money,sp snapped them up. They are stainless and in good condition,apart from a scrape on the bottom of one pipe,so the search is on for a link pipe and an end can.


I was trying to concentrate on my own stuff,but in recent times,ive been busy with things for other people,but have yet again decided to knuckle down and work on my own bikes. Ive 2 bikes needing to be built before May (this year!),and then i can get back into the fj. :good2:
In the last day or so Ive started to make some swingarm extensions for a standard fj swingarm,based on the design of the much respected Spondon race items. So,the idea at the moment is to go for a fairly quick  build(i hope ),but with more normal sized wheels etc with a drag strip inspired look.
Heres a pic of the arm with one extension in place to give an idea of the length.


Manually milling the extension took more hours than i care to comment about!! Oh i wish i had a cnc machine!!