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Started by Braders, July 20, 2011, 11:21:12 AM

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Hi guys.
Just thought i'd say hi as im the proud owner of a nice C-reg fj1200......(will be nice when its runnig right..please see my topic on running problems)  mind you it's been p***ing down since i bought it from norfolk and brought it down to the not so sunny Isle Of Wight.Havent had a bike for a couple of years and cant wait to get back on one...catch ya laters

Flying Scotsman

Welcome and I wish you luck on a speedy fix for your 1200
1984 FJ1100
1985 FJ1100
1990 FJ1200
1999 GP1200 (165 + hp)


Welcome Braders,

i'm sure you will get her back right as rain again real soon.




welcome welcome welcome, by the way you'll be delighted to know they handle the rain pretty damn well.
Why does it always happen to me..