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FJ sighting

Started by big r, July 29, 2011, 08:09:12 PM

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big r

Was in Victoria B.C. last week saw a FJ go by the Mayfair mall on tuesday evening. Looked good and sounded even better. Was it anyone from here. Had a great holiday with the family could'nt take the FJ tho. Maybe next time, would like to tour Vancouver Island from top to bottom.


There are several on the Island but I only know of three of us that are on here. As for touring the Island, lots of good places and roads to check out. If you ever come over post it up ahead of time I know I could point you to some excellent routes and maybe even join you for a ride.



Was it an 86 -- red and white --- if so it could have been Derek


big r

Was a red and white one. I am hoping to be able to come down to the island next spring. I will post the dates on for sure. Thanks for the offer Shaun.


I know Derek lives on the island as well   here's a photo from the recent rally
