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Battery dead?

Started by las1200, February 04, 2012, 09:54:19 AM

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Hi everyone!
When cool she starts nice even after 2 weeks stopped.
After a while riding if I stop the engine or if it stalls it gets very hard to restart due to lack of battery power.
Next day she starts again perfect.
Is it a fried battery? too much voltage fed to batteries when riding (14,5v)?
What do do?


Sounds like the typical hot starting issue that many have including me. I solve this by cracking the throttle open about 1/8 while starting. Another solution would be upgrading to a 4 brush starter motor from Randy at RPM. Since it starts up just fine when cold your battery might be OK. However, test your voltages while you are cranking the starter to see how much voltage drop you have. The bigger the drop the more toasted it is. Always good to check your connections, a loose connection will make your battery look weak.
The glass is not half full, it was engineered with a 2X safety factor.

'86 Ambulance - Bent frame, cracked case, due for an overhaul
'89 Stormy Blue - Suits my Dark Side


+1 on cracking the throttle when hot starting.


Mike 86 in San Dimas

yep on cracking the throttle when hot starting. checking/cleaning wiring connections might help. The ground is through the mounting surfaces/bolts. If your bored try that.
I probably will get the more powerful starter at some point. But a couple of other items will be first. Must get a good shock soon!
Come on Klavdy!