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March 28, 2009 - March 29, 2009: UKFJOC service weekend in Yorkshire

Started by kerry, May 01, 2009, 02:55:34 PM

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Not really a trip report for me as I'm the host of the weekend but people do make the trip to our home.  For those not familiar with the UK club, we have around 1800-2000 members worldwide, the club has its own workshop based near Bristol in the South West of England, where you can get your FJ or FJR looked at by a mechanic who only works on those bikes and have done so for 16 years - great or what!

However there are many owners in the North of England who think travelling down to Bristol is a little far :scratch_one-s_head: so once a year, Doc (Phil) and Ernie (Mark) who run the club desend on our home in Yorkshire and offer the opportunity for members in the northern UK to get an 'Engine Service' on their Fudge (FJ1100 or FJ1200) by Doc or a tune up of their FJR1300 by Ernie.  For FJ1100 & 1200 members, Doc adjusts the valve clearances, balance the carbs, replace plugs and air filter (but no oil change as we don't have a facility to dispose it at our home).  For FJR1300 members, Ernie offers to balance their fuel injection system for smoother running,.  This should be done on every 6k service but we are finding many dealers are missing this out.  Plus if any owners can have their bike checked over, especially the suspension settings.

This is the 9th year we have held this weekend and its always well attended and has turned into quite a social gathering too, with many people just calling in for a cuppa and a chat as well as those having their bikes looked at.  Over the course of the weekend I spend most of the time making drinks for everyone, cooking bacon sandwiches and generally making folks welcome while the boys work on the bikes.

So I just thought I'd share a few photos with you.
Kerry & Mark
Mine: 90 FJ  / His: 89 FJ & 01 FJR &

My Photo Websites: &


Kerry & Mark
Mine: 90 FJ  / His: 89 FJ & 01 FJR &

My Photo Websites: &

Mark Olson

Great pics and sounds like a good time, you have a nice tight group there.

have fun and keep the pics and events going.
Mark O.
86 fj1200
sac ca.

                           " Get off your ass and Ride"


Hi Mark, glad you liked them, yep after 15 years we have a cracking bunch in the UK club and are still very active with a rideout orgainised somewhere in the UK once every 2 weeks, starting in late March through to early November, as well as the FJ race team weekends and strong links with the German (Effjott), Danish and Dutch FJ club, so we are a busy bunch.

In fact Mark and I have just tonight finished packing for a trip starting tomorrow to join the German FJ Club at one of their weekends so there'll be more pics on our return.  Catch ya later...
Kerry & Mark
Mine: 90 FJ  / His: 89 FJ & 01 FJR &

My Photo Websites: &

Mark Olson

Mark O.
86 fj1200
sac ca.

                           " Get off your ass and Ride"