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1984 FJ600

Started by Gazebo, January 29, 2025, 03:30:24 AM

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Just bought a 1984 FJ600 in need of some tlc. Working on the wiring right now. Hopefully I can get it all sorted out due to the PO hack job.


Welcome, we have had a few FJ600 over the years, good to see another one.
The glass is not half full, it was engineered with a 2X safety factor.

'86 Ambulance - Bent frame, cracked case, due for an overhaul
'89 Stormy Blue - Suits my Dark Side

Old Rider

Welcome i had one about 36 years ago red and black. Here i Europe they named XJ600
good power i think it was 78bhp and 6 speed transmission.My bike was always hard to start after washing so had to
run start it. If i known better back then i would have put some electrical grease inside the ignition connectors and the steel sparkplugcaps (or changed them to composite) and take it more easy using the powerwasher.
One thing i remember was once i was washing the bike inside a washing hall a man with a wan stole my helmet and glowes that i had placed outside the door! :shok: another man came in and told me about the theft and it was a blue toyota hiace so i rolled the bike out fast as i could and run started it and drove around trying to hunt him down with no helmet and glowes  :rofl:  never found him, but i still looking after that blue toyota hiace haha



I'd like to pick up an FJ600 if my daughter keeps her interest in motorcycles.  Always thought they were cool bikes  :i_am_so_happy: