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Eating healthy

Started by TexasDave, January 07, 2019, 05:35:16 AM

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Yesterday I went to the doctor
For my yearly physical.
My blood pressure was high.
My cholesterol was high. 
I'd gained some weight,
and I didn't feel so hot.
My doctor said eating right
doesn't have to be complicated and
it would solve my physical problems.
He said: 
Just think in colors.
Fill your plate with bright colors.
Try some greens, oranges, reds,
maybe something yellow, etc.
and eat an entire bowl of
bright colors.

So I did..........a whole bowl of M&M's.

And Sure Enough,
I Felt Better Immediately !! 

I never knew eating right could be so easy !! 
Now stay healthy, eat your colors,
and have a nice day

A pistol is like a parachute, if you need one and don't have one you will never need one again.


Before my father passed last year we had a nurse check him over once a week. He was blessed with good health and lived to be 89 1/2 yrs old. I have also had good health(knock on wood)and was not overly concerned when the nurse asked me how I was. Other than some weight gain and being thirsty all the time that was it. She informed me that was two symptoms of diabetes and I should see a doctor. I avoid doctors like the plague and there being no diabetes in my family history didn't see the need. I did get a minor scratch on my forearm that did not heal for over two weeks and remembered this was another symptom. So I went to the doctor after not seeing one for over 20yrs. The only use I had for doctors was repairing broken body parts....arms, legs, fingers, toes, nose, knees etc.

Prior to seeing the doctor I had to have blood drawn. It turns out they now have machines to analyze your blood for EVERYTHING. The scope of body functions analyzed is too long to list here. Seeing the doctor she informed me everything looked good except I had type II diabetes. When I asked what my blood sugar level was she said she didn't know because their machine didn't measure that high. She then educated me on what diabetes does to your body and put me on some meds with instructions to change my diet.

I was slightly puzzled on how my sugar level could be so high as I don't drink beer, very few sodas, no candy, cookies or cake etc.
I was drinking a lot of apple juice and sweet tea and coffee. All of these contained high levels of not sugar but HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN syrup. The processed foods I was eating also contained HFC. Even my coffee creamer. The manufacturers use HFC because it is sweeter and less expensive than natural sugar but it is not as good for you. The thirstier I got the more HFC I consumed.

Well I got rid of everything with HFC and watched my diet. The threat of insulin injections and dialysis was plenty of motivation. Three months later the doctor was excited to show me her computer screen. At the top was a graph of my blood sugar. The graph line started at the top and went to the bottom. I was normal for blood sugar. I was even off my meds and cleared for ice cream in "moderation". No more diabetes.

I will continue to watch my diet but will not consume anything with HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP. It was cold last week and thought about buying some cocoa in those one serving packets you mix with hot water. Checked the ingredients....high fructose corn syrup. No cocoa for me.

watch your diet

A pistol is like a parachute, if you need one and don't have one you will never need one again.


Quote from: TexasDave on January 07, 2019, 09:25:54 AMThe manufacturers use HFC because it is sweeter and less expensive than natural sugar but it is not as good for you. The thirstier I got the more HFC I consumed.
It was cold last week and thought about buying some cocoa in those one serving packets you mix with hot water. Checked the ingredients....high fructose corn syrup. No cocoa for me.  watch your diet

You can still have lots of stuff like that, just skip the instant packet junk.  You can make your own good stuff, with the right ingredients.  Recipes are on the Internet, and mostly they come out better (and better for you) than the bad junk.

P.S. Life is too short, and health is too valuable, to ride on cheap parade-duty tires.


We've been spending around 4 months each year in the USA for the past 4 or 5 years and the one difference we really notice between supposedly identical foods in the US vs the UK, is the sweetness of everything, including savoury foods, in the US.

Everything is sugared or sweetened so much that I'm not in the slightest bit surprised that it's so easy to get high blood sugar levels without realising it.

Liz has made sure over the years that we eat very little that is processed (other than our favourite chocolate) and she makes almost everything we eat from fresh produce. In terms of blood sugar and diabetes, we have no issues - and we do have regular physical check ups (as we're getting old!), but if we lived full time in the US it would be much harder to control our sugar intakes.

We even have a "sugar tax" which makes drinks like traditional Coca Cola and Pepsi more expensive than sugar-free versions and our government are acting (even though I don't agree with the way they're doing this) to prevent the diabetes/obesity epidemic that's predicted.

Keep sticking to the fresh foods, avoiding sugary drinks and processed foods, and keep your "treat" to a reasonable level Dave and I'm sure you'll live to a ripe old age without any diabetic worries.

'89 FJ 1200 3CV - owned from new.
'89 FJ 1200 3CV - no engine, tank, bike for the future.
'88 FJ 1200 3CV - complete runner 2024 resto project
'88 FJ 1200 3CV - became a race bike, no longer with us.
'86 FJ 1200 1TX - sold to my boss to finance the '89 3CV I still own.

big r

I was diagnosed with type 2 about 15 yrs. ago. Quit drinking soft drinks and started watching what I ate. Started reading labels and ate more fresh vegetables and lost a 110 lbs. Was over 300 have gained some back and now around 230. Have everything under control and can eat just anything I want, just in moderation. Have not been able to kick the meds. though, but then diabetes runs in the family. Dr. was surprised that I am still on the pills and not on insulin. Turning 65 in a couple months and found you need to just stay active and not sit around. Things are much better now that my knees have been replaced and I can walk more than a block. Do about 2 Klms. every morning before jumping in my school bus. After 40 yrs. of hauling this is the retirement gig a guy could have. Congrats on being able to kick all the meds.


Quote from: TexasDave on January 07, 2019, 05:35:16 AM

I never knew eating right could be so easy !!  
Now stay healthy, eat your colors,
and have a nice day


mmm...skittles  :blush:

Randy - RPM
Randy - RPM