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Back in the saddle again

Started by 93fj1200, September 09, 2018, 01:19:49 PM

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Hi there, been away a while since I sold my last FJ (blue 93 non-ABS) that was stock except for a GSXR 750 rear wheel mod.  I just bought a 1990 with low kms for a really good price. Body is excellent except for a damaged chin spoiler (what a surprise).  It is equipped with FZR1000 front and rear wheels.  The previous owner had attempted to make it work but couldn't get the rear caliper aligned properly.  After buying it, I put it up on the lift at work (Harley dealer) and was trying to centre the caliper on the rotor and noticed that when I torqued the wheel nut, the wheel wouldn't turn so I suspected a missing spacer inside the wheel.  Took it off and found the spacer seems a little too short and the inner bearings were totally pooched (ground down real bad).  

I have looked through the available articles concerning the subject but the only article I found that actually showed measurements was so out of focus and blurry, I cannot read it with my 56 year old eyes.  Does anyone have some clear specs or a step by step on what is needed and the measurements.  Thanks for any information.

I have ordered a kit from Doc in the U.K. but god knows when it will arrive.  Want to get it on the road quickly.  Thanks. 

By the way, ignore the voting thing, don't even know how that happened, hahaha :dash1: :dash1:


Welcome back into the fold. Hope this FJ inspires many new adventures and stories. Hope you find the spacer specs you are looking for too.
My Baby (Sparkles)
84 FJ1100/1200 motor
92 FJ 1200 - Project bike. Finished and sold.
84 FJ1100 - Project bike.

Pat Conlon

Welcome back Greg. I deleted the poll for you.
1) Free Owners Manual download:
2) Don't store your FJ with E10 fuel
3) Replace your old stock rubber brake lines.
4) Important items for the '84-87 FJ's:
Safety wire:
Fuel line:


We let someone associated with Harley back in the forum? And he had the audacity taking the Yamaha to a Harley dealer? Hope that Yamaha quality did not rub off on some of the Hardlies. I don't know who owns the Deuce in my garage.

With this mod being so prevalent among FJers here I am surprised no one has more info on it. I saw some info from the U.K. forum but not a lot here. I would also like to do this mod. I noticed Fred has posted several times on the type and year of wheels required. What spacers are required?

A pistol is like a parachute, if you need one and don't have one you will never need one again.


I was retired and riding around Central America and Mexico with my old FJ and my VMax and when I got back to Canada, I got an opportunity to have an apprenticeship at a Yamaha dealer in Alberta so I worked there until I finished the four courses and then moved to Ontario where I am from.  I had a meeting with a couple of my trade school professors who told me if I wanted to stay busy, it is good to work at Harley-Davidson because they do a lot of accessories and performance mods; which they do.  And they do breakdown a lot.  Sometimes I swear they build stuff with designed breakdowns and after owning a bunch of Yamahas, it is weird but I do love working there.  I bought a beat-up 2007 Street Glide and rebuilt it from the tranny back and then threw it on the dyno.  Came up with 105 hp and 115 torque.  Not bad for a bike that had basically been abandoned. 

I had bought my old FJ for $1,600 Canadian which is about $8 USD, hahaha and after many, many miles sold it for $3,200 in Panama.  Then I bought a VMax for $500 that had $6k of accessories on it and have been modding it as well.

But my heart keeps coming back to my beloved FJs and after looking for quite awhile, I found one with 53,000 kms for $800 with FZR1000 wheels and longer windshield.  I am working now on getting that on the road ready for next year.  If I was a millionaire, I would still be buying these great bikes.  And maybe a new FJR and VMax and maybe even a newly styled Fat Bob.  Seriously, take one for a ride, they are fun as hell.

Tuned forks

That's pretty impressive that you rode around Central America and Mexico.

Good to see another black and blue '90 model on the forum.  Welcome back.

1990 FJ1200-the reacher
1990 FZR 1000-crotch rocket

Pat Conlon

I absolutely love the howl of the Vmax when those secondaries open up. (aka VBoost?)
Gives me the shivers.
IIRC Mr. Max was the only stock bike that was able beat the early FJ's in the 1320.

Going straight was one thing, but when it came to the twisties, a whole different matter.

My top 3 musical bikes are 1) Honda CBX, 2) Aprilla Tuono 3) Mr. Max.
I have yet to hear the new v4 Ducati's, but soon.


1) Free Owners Manual download:
2) Don't store your FJ with E10 fuel
3) Replace your old stock rubber brake lines.
4) Important items for the '84-87 FJ's:
Safety wire:
Fuel line:


Welcome back to the Mighty FJ  :hi:.

You seem to know your way around :sarcastic:, so I look forward to following your 'refresh' of this machine.

1984 FJ1100 Ms Effie brand new :)
1984 FJ1100 Pearlie, stock as.
1985 FJ1100 Mr Effie 647,000K and still running hard.
1985 FJ1200 'Yummy' takes a licking & keeps on ticking
2013 Trumpy Tiger 800, let's do another lap of Oz

After all is said and done, more is said than done :)