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More ethanol?

Started by TexasDave, June 14, 2017, 03:48:31 PM

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I see the ethanol producers have been successful in introducing legislation to increase the ethanol content of gas. Lobbyist money well spent on our corrupt legislators. Hope this bill does not pass.

A pistol is like a parachute, if you need one and don't have one you will never need one again.


In the article it says

"...90 percent of cars on the road today are not compatible with E15, while boats, motorcycles and outdoor power equipment are legally prohibited from using this fuel. This includes the 250 million outdoor power equipment products and 22 million motorcycles and ATVs"

If this true... I'm confoozed  :scratch_one-s_head:.  Why are they allowed to legally push a product that you legally cannot use?

Oh forget that. Two words  "Corn Lobby" . I get it now.  :mad:
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