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Hello from Maine

Started by DieHappy, February 27, 2016, 08:50:26 PM

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Just picked up a 1991 FJ1200.  30,000+-  Stage 1 with an aftermarket filter in the box.  She's pretty dirty, but cleaning up nice.  The fella I bought it from was the second owner of 20 years.  We tried to start it, pump came on turned over nice but not even a sputter..  Fuel in the tank (or so I thought, ha ha).  He swore it ran last august when he put it away.  He also claimed he added stabilizer to the gas.  Anyway, she looked pretty solid aside from a nasty chunk broken out of the front cowl.  He was asking 1200, I offered him 800 and ended up giving him a 1000.  I bought my last two street bikes not running so not my first rodeo.  Figured out why it didn't sputter...  I've cleaned my share of tanks with a little water and rust and junk coming out but never to this magnitude! :shok:  Keep in mind this is only a portion of what came out.  Flushed the tank, soaked the inside with WD-40.  Surprisingly tanks not all rusty, gonna give it the old coat hanger-rag treatment.  Pulled the plugs, wet smelling like varnish-water junk.  Piston tops look wet and gross.. Put a cap full of oil in each cylinder cause it seemed like the right thing to do.  Gonna pull the damn carbs, hoping for the best.  I think she'll be fine..   
1991 FJ1200 - 1979 KZ1000ST

fj johnnie

 Getting the old girl running again is the most exciting part. Then all the sorting out begins. Plenty of help here, for almost any issue. Except oil. John


Add Tires to that too....that's a whole different ball park!
2009 FJR 1300
1992 FJ 1200
1987 FJ 1200 Sold
1986 FJ 1200 Sold
1985 Venture Royale
1976 GoldWing
1986 FZ 750
1986 GPZ 900
1984 Honda Nighthawk S 750
1982 Honda Nighthawk 450


Was that the one from wiscasset? If so what was wrong with it the owner didn't want to say on cl? If you need any help or parts there are a few of us here from Maine. I'm in mid coast area, race legend cars so got lots spare bike parts.

Bob w
84 FJ 1100
86 FJ1200
89 FJ1200
5  FJ POWERED race cars
76 LB80 Chappy
93 KX500 ice for sale
00 KX500 ice/dirt
04 KDX220 dirt for sale
04 KX500 ice
08 KLX450 ice/road
72 CT90x2 for sale


Yep, that's the one.  He had broken the oil filler cap and dropped some pieces inside.  I'm pulling the side cover just to make sure there aren't any big chunks.  Kinda got sidetracked with the liter of water in the fuel tank.  :dash2: Pulled the carbs yesterday, bowls full of water.  But they actually looked real clean besides.  Thanks Bob I might take you up on that sometime.  Be nice to have parts available local!  Here are some more pics, found a couple of things that don't exactly instill confidence.  See if you can figure out whats wrong in the pics of the carbs.  Found the breather hose hadn't been hooked up for some time and one of the airbox boots was squished.  Hopefully I can get her back together Saturday, gotta work for a few days.. 
1991 FJ1200 - 1979 KZ1000ST