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Re fj 1100 re built top end motor running hot

Started by NAVRIG, January 27, 2016, 06:40:15 AM

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Hi All

Have just completed re build of top end fj 1100 now a 1200 motor new pistons rings and re cut valve seats and checked replaced valve shims new cam chain . starts fine but heats up very fast and gets very hot very quickly when only at idle could it be that cam timing is incorrect I did line up all marks and checked several times prior to re fitting cam cover etc. Motor starts easily and revs fine blip test doesn't seem to indicate a lean condition but I am concerned that something is not quite right any suggestions welcome also a very strong smell and eye stinging odour from exhaust doesn't smell right for what thats worth.



Yamaha rings on Yamaha pistons?
Stock bore with std ring package?

I recall you talking about Total Seal piston rings at one time.

What about the smell?
Do you have fresh fuel in the engine?

Randy - RPM
Randy - RPM


FJZ1 1200 - It'll do me just fine.
Timing has much to do with the success of a rain dance.



Sorry yes Yamaha pistons Yamaha rings and opened the small bolt on right hand side of head at first start up plenty of oil. Fresh fuel the smell is hard to describe but just smells very rich i guess is the best way to describe it.




Quote from: NAVRIG on January 27, 2016, 06:40:15 AM
Hi All

Have just completed re build of top end fj 1100 now a 1200 motor new pistons rings and re cut valve seats and checked replaced valve shims new cam chain . starts fine but heats up very fast and gets very hot very quickly when only at idle could it be that cam timing is incorrect I did line up all marks and checked several times prior to re fitting cam cover etc. Motor starts easily and revs fine blip test doesn't seem to indicate a lean condition but I am concerned that something is not quite right any suggestions welcome also a very strong smell and eye stinging odour from exhaust doesn't smell right for what thats worth.


I posted this question years ago and it quickly became obvious from the answers and suggestions that no one else had experienced this or fully understood just how hot it got and how fast it got hot. I know exactly what you're talking about, I have the same problem with an FJ1200 motor.

Despite getting very hot very quickly, I did tens of thousands of kms on it before it blew a base gasket, which I believe was unrelated.

It has been sitting in the corner of the garage for a few years, already honed, with new rings and gasket set just waiting for me to re assemble it. Whenever I think of doing so I am reminded of the over heating issue and I don't have an answer!

Randy's your man, he knows everything about FJ's, send him an email.

"Tell a wise man something he doesn't know and he'll thank you, tell a fool something he doesn't know and he'll abuse you"


Thanks All

Seems like it was running lean after all adjusted now seems much better. Also changed fuel probably not as fresh as I thought ( Probably what the smell was ) Also have not owned an air cooled bike for years guess I forgot how hot these things do get.


Pat Conlon

Yep, the factory jetting is lean. #40 pilots and a needle shim is most helpful in cooling that engine.

Remember: Air flow is important on our big engines. Don't let it sit in one place and idle too long without a box fan.   
1) Free Owners Manual download:
2) Don't store your FJ with E10 fuel
3) Replace your old stock rubber brake lines.
4) Important items for the '84-87 FJ's:
Safety wire:
Fuel line:


Thanks Pat

Will definitely fit #40 jet also look at the needle  Thanks again
