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She's ready for the cyns!

Started by stage II, October 20, 2015, 06:02:28 PM

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stage II

Just a heads up the exchange was a serious joke. I drove out there yesterday morning and pretty much wasted my time and money. Hazard warranty isn't worth the effort unless Avon deals with you directly. Chaparral has zero confidence in their distributors so I ended up having to buy the tire again at a higher price. They send it to their distributors and they send back to Avon and then Avon has to inspect the tire bla bla bla. If it passes for the hazard warranty they were trying to tell me I have to come back to pick up my refund. Well after talking to the mgr I had to use my card to get reimbursed without having to come down.

@FJmonkey sorry I was fit for time yesterday and didn't get back till well after 12:00. Mounted the tire early this morn and just got off work a while ago. To hot to ride to much crap on the road after the wind storm.