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Anyone use these !!!!

Started by ccmxr, November 12, 2009, 05:39:22 PM

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I did a search for IRC and it turned up nothing so maybe I have found a tire that no one has talked about  :yahoo:.  So has anyone used them and if so how are they.  I know they probably cannot touch the new age radials but for nearly a 1/4 of the price of a new radial they just might find their way onto my bike.  :smile:
FJ1100---- Its a CULT CLASSIC

the fan

I ran the RX-01 on a Honda Hurricane 600 and they seemed OK. Sold several sets to the FZR600 and GS500 riders in the area and everyone seemed to like them. I also ran the offroad tires for a season. Oddly enough I was more impressed with the price and life of the tires than the performance, but then again I am not overly picky when it comes to tires.

IRC is huge with the ATV crowd.

I have no experience with the radials.