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Started by TexasDave, December 04, 2013, 12:57:01 PM

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Since Noel has apparently gone missing, here's another obvious (or oblivious) question:

I know the Lithium batteries are supposed to use a special charger, but is it really required?  

Here's my logic:
If I buy a Lithium battery, I'll be using it in the same 20 year old charging system that has successfully charged regular lead/acid and AGM batteries.  

If my Battery Tender won't work on a Lithium battery, then how can I possible use it in my FJ?
I'd really like to have more cranking power, but I currently own 4 "non-Lithium battery compatible" (i.e. conventional) chargers that I'd rather not throw away. 


Quote from: FJ_Hooligan on December 05, 2013, 10:23:55 AM
Since Noel has apparently gone missing, here's another obvious (or oblivious) question:

I know the Lithium batteries are supposed to use a special charger, but is it really required?  

Here's my logic:
If I buy a Lithium battery, I'll be using it in the same 20 year old charging system that has successfully charged regular lead/acid and AGM batteries.  

If my Battery Tender won't work on a Lithium battery, then how can I possible use it in my FJ?
I'd really like to have more cranking power, but I currently own 4 "non-Lithium battery compatible" (i.e. conventional) chargers that I'd rather not throw away. 

From Shorai's website (

Q. How do I maintain my Shorai LFX Battery?

LFX™ batteries should be recharged whenever voltage drops to 13.1 volts, or sooner.  If you have a vintage, custom, or off-road vehicle which has NO draw on the battery when key is OFF, then you should only need to charge your LFX™ battery once a year.  However, most modern street bikes have a draw even when key is off, to support clock, computer, alarms, or other devices.  This draw will eventually drain the battery, which is damaging and could void your warranty. So if you are not riding twice a month, then you should charge the battery every few weeks. "Smart" lead-acid chargers with automatic cutoff may be used for periodic charging, but will NOT work as a tender/maintainer and should be disconnected immediately after charge has finished.  Older lead chargers without automatic shut-off should never be used. Improper charging is dangerous and will void your warranty.  A Shorai BMS Charger - with Store Mode - is highly recommended for anyone who rides less than twice a month.  Alternatively, you may disconnect the negative cable from the battery for storage, and charge once per year in that case.


Q. Can I use Lead-Acid battery chargers or charger/tenders?

Yes. HOWEVER, you may NOT use a charger/tender if it has an automatic "desulfation mode", which cannot be turned off.

If you are storing your vehicle and want to check the remaining capacity, or you're a racer with a constant-loss system, you'll want to know how resting voltage (i.e. with no load or load under 200mA) maps to remaining capacity. LFX batteries should be maintained such that 20% capacity remains at minimum, as best practice. Use a good-quality voltmeter to check

remaining capacity, and consider recharge whenever the battery capacity falls to about 50% remaining. Of course, if you get the Shorai dedicated BMS01 charger, you can just hit the "Store Mode" button and leave it to do the work for you.

Hope this helps.