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Altitude and Idle

Started by feederbb, October 23, 2013, 06:08:43 AM

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BTW Randy, great job on the carbs that were posted.  With all my years of working on motorcycles and vintage motocross bikes, I have NEVER seen anything even remotely as bad as those and I've seen stuff that was parked outside for decades!  Nice work.  Kevin
It's what you hold in your heart that's important, not what's in your hand, well, unless it the THROTTLE!!


Glad you are waiting. They really are not that hard to rebuild. Lots of help here. Here is a good write up to study.
If you have never removed the carbs in the past then speak up before you start on how to remove the airbox the easy way and thoughts on removing the cables.  :good2:.
Life isn't about having the best, but about making the best of what you have...

1990 FJ 1200