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Cop Clocks Biker going 140mph for a potty break...

Started by Bminder, October 17, 2013, 08:46:59 AM

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Billy Minder
92 FJ1200 ABS


The officer also cited Lester, of 18384 Thompson St. in rural Pekin, for endangering the safety of a minor, the 16-year-old girl who clung to him as his passenger on the high-speed ride......

The officer took off in pursuit in time to see the motorcycle slow down but still "blow through" a red light at Second and Margaret streets

Reading things like this is why I was hoping my girls would want to learn to drive their own street bikes, so they'd never end up in a similar situation.  They enjoyed the dirt bikes,  but their interest has waned...    I haven't given up though. :-)


Sounds like as good an excuse as any... 

Having a passenger on the back at that speed is the real crime. You want to risk your own life at that type of speed is one thing, but risking someone else's is inexcusable.



Not everyone understands what a completely rational process this maintenance of a motorcycle is. They think it's some kind of a knack or some kind of affinity for machines in operation. They are right, but the knack is almost purely a process of reason.
