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twistgrip throttle damping

Started by chiz, September 28, 2013, 02:38:51 PM

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Happy  Saturday all
   Put a few miles on my 84 now and have noticed many things that make me go hmmmm. One is it seems that the twist grip is always jiggling as I go over bumps and imperfections on the roadway I imagine the throttle valves doing the same thing kind of bugs me. Wonder if this could be damped out somehow? what comes to mind is to coat the handle bar with some heavy grease and then put the throttle back on,is there a serious safety related issue that could pop up if I do this?

Capn Ron

My gut feeling on this is that you wouldn't want to do anything to create drag against the throttle return spring.  When you let the throttle go, it should drop to idle pretty quickly.  A heavy grease would cause drag when first applied and would become stickier over time as the grease coagulates.

There is some amount of "rattle" in the twist grip, but not a ton...certainly not enough to warrant concern.  If yours has an excessive amount, I'd look for the culprit rather than trying a work-around.

Cap'n Ron. . .
Cap'n Ron. . .

There are two types of people in the world...Those who put people into categories...and those who don't.