So I spoke to the guy yesterday who first helped me fix the bike with the timing chain. It seems my exhuast leak isnt fixed after all..
Anyway, he told me some rather worrying news..
He said that while he had the head off, checking all the shims and stuff he had run into a few problematic things that he hadnt first told me of. I already knew that the shimming was a bit out and that we had only shimmed it enough to get it running. Clearances were all over the place..
Anyway he also told me now that my piston rings and seals were quite worn and those would need replacing in the not too distant future. He also said that my clutch was wearing quite badly too...
Now heres my problem. I can get a relatively good FJ1200 lowish mileage for about 25000 to 30000 zar. I paid 15000 for my FJ.. Now for those that remember. I have spent 3000 having to buy a new exhaust, 1000 for a timing chain, another 1000 on some odds and ends. then I ploughed 4500 into the bike recently rebuilding forks, carbs etc.
To fix rings, another member here in SA told me his set cost him just over 4000. Not including the labour. To repair the clutch I was told I would need to get various things which would amount to about 2000. Not to mention that a set of tires, chain, windshiled bolts will probably set me back another 3500 to 4000. Plus theres figuring out how to seal my annoying exhuast leak
Hypothetically thats a shit load of money put into this FJ.
Should I grin, bend over and bare the costs, wondering what this FJ will throw me next? Or should I sell it off and save up for (what I would hope to be a trouble free) FJ
I love the power of the FJ and the feeling of riding it, but mine just keeps causing me headaches
When my 2nd gear went I had the same situation I ended up buying another FJ ( got lucky and found a good one the very next day).... and just saving my original one to fix one day. Luckily, that day did come ( 2 yrs later) and I found a donor bike for a reasonable price and the motor was good. I don't know how many FJ's you get your way but that is one way to get around it. The motor swap out was pretty straight forward for not having ever done one.
When my first FJ went the first thing I knew I needed was another FJ...didn't look at anything else.
Jesse, it really pains me to say this,
Get Out Now! It's a money pit and a basket case.
Sometimes you have to bayonette the wounded and move on.
Just bad luck on your part to have gotten such a crappy example of FJ. Try to pawn it off on someone else and get a better one.
Sorry, that's the best advice I can give considering what all you've described about your bike. In the long run, it will be much better to just start over than to continue dumping money in what you have.
From reading the other posts, I'm not sure what you've got is even worth keeping for spare parts. Doesn't sound like there's much on it working or worth keeping.
cut bait . :good2:
sounds like the perfect project bike mate, works out well as you have the little beast to ride :good2:
Hi Jesse,
I understand your pain mate. It is a pretty big decision you have to make, but I hope you weigh up the pros and cons carefully.
You own the bike you have, you know that the parts you have replaced and problems you have fixed are all done now. Sure there is more to do, but I'm sure if you break it down to one problem at a time, save up for each repair and take it steady, I'm sure you will end up loving your bike, and you will have a fine machine to last you many years to come.
If you buy another, it may look like a better bike, but what's to say you won't end up back in the same position in a few months time. After all, these bikes are over 20 years old, they wear out and pretty soon the expensive bits need replacing.
Rather than look at your bike like it is a basket case, look at it like a big project or school room. Every time you pull it apart and fix something, you have learnt something new.
After all, you have another bike to zip around on (although it probably isn't as much fun as the FJ :biggrin:) to me, it would be a shame to just write off all the hard work and things you have learnt in the past few months.
Just my 2c worth, but good luck with whatever decision you come to. :hi:
Thanks for all the replies guys, I guess the biggest problem I have are the things both David and Miked say
On the 1 hand I can pawn off my FJ, to someone who may enjoy a project and has the moeny for it rather pour my own into it. On the other hand I already have put so much effort into this one.
Needless to say, I know exactly where to go now to get very good quality FJs. Theres a dealer a few cities away from me who is a bit of an FJ fanatic. Currently has 4 models on the floor too. And I know his FJs are good quality.
I would love to keep my current FJ even if I have to out it in storage in for a few years so that I can work on it over time, but I would need the moeny from the sale of it to buy another FJ. While I have the smaller scoot, its cheap and mostly reliable, but lacks the power to really be fun.
So my decision is as follows. I will put the last bit of money and effort into my current FJ just to get the exhaust sorted and sort out the carbs. After that it goes up for sale. The sale may take a couple of months and in those few months I will be saving for my next FJ. SInce I know more or less to look out for. I should buy a much better quality FJ and have to spend a lot less money on it.
Maybe this FJ will eventually end up in the hands of a wealthy fanatic and it too can sore again.. :flag_of_truce: Who knows, maybe by the time I finish my degree I can reclaim this one and since at that time I will be earning much more I myself may get to work on this one never know :pardon:
Thanks guys :hi:
Bet ya you were all hoping I would finally be gone for good :mail1: :biggrin: haha :nea:
how much you selling yours for jesse, and how much will a the next one cost, , wondering as on ebay over here theyre are a few fj,s starting from $500 for an 84 1100 up to $4000 for a 92 1200 both in good condition, one guy is even selling two starting at $2000 no bids as yet, (popcorn)
Well I would like 20000 zar. WHich equates to about 2400 US dollars..okay that sounds steap when I compare to what the US one go for..
The one im eyeing is about 28000zar
Theres also this one for 25k.. though Im not sure of the condition (
The above is actually a really nice colour scheme, but it only looked good for one of the members we have on this forum, he has a beowulf pipe on his FJ, really purdy bike
I really like the red and white, but that year still had a problem with 1200.
I would like to get the blue and white one, even though it may have a pink stripe :biggrin:
my cousin has one the same as that 88 model , not sure about the pink stripe models :rofl2: , dont see too mant that colour in aus :lol:
Tilldeath -- make you next FJ model be 88 and or newer. This will make upgrades easy and you will already have the correct forks to upgrade to Bluedots - wider 17 inch wheel if you want etc.
For example the one you posted will work beautifully... remove those gold calipers -- and just install the blue dots ( change master to 14mm ...easy as well) and your away -- R 1 style brakes that work great.
PS -- maybe model years are different where you are but listed is not a 93 model but more like an 89. 91 and up are the more narrow type fairing.. and yes one year they had a pink stripe. You can tell easily by the shape of the headlight its not rectangular like the model shown in the advert
I gotta tell you, I hate people like this, oh... by the way, after I buttoned your engine back up, There are some issues..... I took a car in once for a/c work, a couple days later the shop calls and tells me I owe them $125 for thier 100 point check up. I didn't bring the thing in for a 100 point check up. I picked up the car, then canceled the check F-em.
I feel your pain. I'd stop where your at, unless your going to take the project on yourself. You might want to part the bike out, there are lots of guys probably drooling for your parts. Personaly selling a grenade goes against my ethics. Selling the bike without full disclosure, well I guess that's for you to decide. I recently bought a 900 seca, the guy made it a big point all through the sale, that he'd rebuilt the forks. I don't know what with, the seals were dried out and the tubes filled with engine oil. Not a big deal, I just taught myself how to rebuild them properly...
Hang in there and save for a more decent bike. Patience, and the right bike for you will surface...
Quote from: moparman70 on May 10, 2012, 10:44:50 AM
Tilldeath -- make you next FJ model be 88 and or newer. This will make upgrades easy and you will already have the correct forks to upgrade to Bluedots - wider 17 inch wheel if you want etc.
For example the one you posted will work beautifully... remove those gold calipers -- and just install the blue dots ( change master to 14mm ...easy as well) and your away -- R 1 style brakes that work great.
PS -- maybe model years are different where you are but listed is not a 93 model but more like an 89. 91 and up are the more narrow type fairing.. and yes one year they had a pink stripe. You can tell easily by the shape of the headlight its not rectangular like the model shown in the advert
Wow, that is one sweet ride! Oh, wait – that street looks familiar...hey, that's my bike!!! Nice GSXR mirrors, eh?
Wow, that is one sweet ride! Oh, wait – that street looks familiar...hey, that's my bike!!! Nice GSXR mirrors, eh?
ya - I borrowed it from the FJ photos -- just trying to help a brother out.