Dumb question - what size lenght is the FJ1100 rear shock?
I'm ordering a shock sock and I don't have the bike in front of me...
Thanks a bunch!
In other words, should I go for a 6'', 7'' or 8'' size shock sock?
Hey Nat, do you have the oem Yamaha shock or a aftermarket?
I just sent my '84's Penske to nvmike24 so I don't have it to measure, sorry.
http://www.fjowners.com/index.php?action=profile;u=1722 (http://www.fjowners.com/index.php?action=profile;u=1722)
Mike, got your ears on? Can you help Nat?
Thanks Pat,
it IS an aftermarket Penske...
When I get the new RPM rear shock completed I will offer a sock that will work for it. I am sure it will fit all other brands as well.
Randy - RPM
Thanks Randy!
I found out that it's a 6'' inch shock sock that I need for the Penske.
Thanks for the help, and looking forward to seeing the full set of RPM shocks!