over the pond here in the UK we have reached near $13 a US gallon
interested in your local prices.....
well yesterday it was 3.94 a gallon for cheap unleaded.
Insert Quote
over the pond here in the UK we have reached near $13 a US gallon
F.F.S that SUCKS.
$3.25 is the cheapest around here. (central Kansas)
Quote from: Flying Scotsman on February 17, 2012, 12:27:09 PM
F.F.S that SUCKS.
Like everything over here. It sucks. If i could afford to move out i would. There's nowt Great about Britain anymore. :dash2:
That picture in my avatar is taken in the Jura region of France, at least you can get a good ride on the bike over there.
up here in Canada, specifically Toronto to days price from 4.61 to 4.84 for reg.
and 5.22 for the good stuff us gal.
In Imp gal reg 5.81 good stuff 6.26
what a rip off we produce it in our own country sell it buy it back :dash2:
$4.29 for 91 octane US gallon and climbing out here in Southern California :mad: :diablo:
In the northern Virginia suburbs, the 10% ethanol fuel ranges from $3.51 at the mega warehouse store (Costco) to about $3.70 at most of the large gasoline chains (Exxon, Sunoco, BP, Shell). Closer to DC the price increase by 15 cents per gallon. I saw a gas station in Winchester, VA selling 100% gasoline last weekend at about $3.50 per gallon.
Hi there :hi:
In Sydney Australia....
$AU 4.90 us gallon 91 octane approx
$AU 5.50 us gallon 98 octane approx
Goes up and down daily with an average upward trend :ireful:
Jeff P
Nearest station to here was $3.07 for 'regular' 87 unleaded this am.
I've seen it in the $3.45 range around here for past couple days. How is Indy so much cheaper?
3.50 for regular 3.91 for premium 3.89 for diesel
Quote from: ddlewis on February 17, 2012, 04:21:02 PM
I've seen it in the $3.45 range around here for past couple days. How is Indy so much cheaper?
It just dropped to that from $3.45 yesterday.
Not sure why, but the one refinery in NW Indiana that has been down for months may be back online.
Around here it will shoot up from 25 to 40 cents overnight, then trickle back down.
Last week, it was $3.68.
Today's price for diesel is pushing $4/gal. Go figure. :pardon:
Quote from: rktmanfj on February 17, 2012, 04:10:22 PM
Nearest station to here was $3.07 for 'regular' 87 unleaded this am.
Damn, and I thought you had a little dyslexic moment till I checked it out on line.
Yeah, why is gas a $1.00 a gallon cheaper where you are? :wacko2:
Quote from: craigo on February 17, 2012, 04:54:34 PM
Quote from: rktmanfj on February 17, 2012, 04:10:22 PM
Nearest station to here was $3.07 for 'regular' 87 unleaded this am.
Damn, and I thought you had a little dyslexic moment till I checked it out on line.
Yeah, why is gas a $1.00 a gallon cheaper where you are? :wacko2:
Ready supply and (relatively) close proximity to refineries helps.
We usually aren't the lowest, though. Almost every rally I go to finds lower prices in Tennessee.
GasBuddy is your friend... :good: and now that I check it, I find it for $3.04 right up the road.
Here in NZ as of this morning BP is selling
OCTANE 98 96 91 DIESEL LPG NZD PER LITRE $2.26 $2.19 $2.09 $1.47 $1.55 USD PER US GALLON $7.15 $6.92 $6.60 $4.64 $4.89
Ouch... :cray:
There's a news cast story about gas prices as I read this thread. Average price in so cal is hovering at $4 a gallon. Yet demand is down. Go figure. We are pissed ($100 to fill my pick up which I use only if necessary) but when I see prices paid over seas...YIKES. No wonder most of Europe is driving mini cars.
A lot of the price overseas / and in Canada is tax as well. Price is still high either way.
if we want the economy to change it will have to come down otherwise .... same old same old...
I drive a big ol ford f-350 dually for my work truck and it has two tanks that I fill up every week to the tune of 160.00. With the blistering average of 8mpg.
This is why I laugh and giggle when I fill up my fj for a run. :wacko1:
Nov 6, 2012
I can only dream of paying $3.50 for a gallon... it's about $2.10 (£1.32) for a LITRE in the UK... and you need 3.79 of those to make a gallon (US) = £4.96 which is $7.85
but in the UK it is £5.94 ($9.40) for an English gallon.
This is for Regular and not Super Unleaded.
I got the litre / US gallon conversion off the internet so if I'm wrong blame the web!
Quote from: rktmanfj on February 17, 2012, 04:28:57 PM
Quote from: ddlewis on February 17, 2012, 04:21:02 PM
I've seen it in the $3.45 range around here for past couple days. How is Indy so much cheaper?
It just dropped to that from $3.45 yesterday.
Not sure why, but the one refinery in NW Indiana that has been down for months may be back online.
Around here it will shoot up from 25 to 40 cents overnight, then trickle back down.
Last week, it was $3.68.
Today's price for diesel is pushing $4/gal. Go figure. :pardon:
FWIW, Dan, that same station was back at $3.48 within 3 hours of that posting.
Prices here are much cheaper here than many places, but very volatile... :dash2:
It cost me the equivalent of $51.32 (US dollars) to fill up my FJR the other day :ireful: and I get through a tank on average every 2 to 3 days. I'd love to have the US prices over here but not the 10% ethanol, at least our petrol is decent quality stuff.
Quote from: Hugh Mungus on February 19, 2012, 10:45:23 AM
I can only dream of paying $3.50 for a gallon...
No kidding. It's about $8.40 / gallon for diesel here in Hungary. Just a little less for unleaded.
Quote from: fudgejerkin1188 on February 23, 2012, 03:01:14 PM
It cost me the equivalent of $51.32 (US dollars) to fill up my FJR the other day :ireful: and I get through a tank on average every 2 to 3 days. I'd love to have the US prices over here but not the 10% ethanol, at least our petrol is decent quality stuff.
Ouch. That's about what it cost to fill up my Ford Ranger (compact pickup truck) this week.
Quote from: fudgejerkin1188 on February 23, 2012, 03:01:14 PM
It cost me the equivalent of $51.32 (US dollars) to fill up my FJR the other day :ireful: and I get through a tank on average every 2 to 3 days. I'd love to have the US prices over here but not the 10% ethanol, at least our petrol is decent quality stuff.
Didn't you guys push a revolution or something to avoid excessive taxes and the likes of royal repression. Oh, sorry that was us, carry on. It still cost me $18 USD to fill up the FJ today.....grrrrrr :ireful:.
Its not just the fuel, an FJR over here cost MORE in £ sterling than you guys pay in US $ (£15.499 for the A and £16.499 for the AS.) Decent secondhand FJs are pretty cheap though :yahoo:
Quote from: Hugh Mungus on February 19, 2012, 10:45:23 AM
I can only dream of paying $3.50 for a gallon...
Yeah, us too now. It's now $4.29 US for a gallon of 91 octane gas in East San Diego County. :mad:
I filled up just as it was breaking the $4 range and cost about $15 USD. That will go up during this weekend ride. :dash2:
Still we are getting off cheap compared to you WAY OVER TAXED types in Europe.
Where I live in Thailand now it's about $1 /litre range and most of those folks only earn $250 a month... :negative:
Quote from: fudgejerkin1188 on February 23, 2012, 03:01:14 PM
I'd love to have the US prices over here
Forget the "Europe" comparisons. What is the average European tax rate on that commodity? You people are screwed worse than the USA. That is the way it is and get used it or move. A 50 or 60% attrition rate from any country will get governments attention.
Fuel duty works out around 60% and its pretty similar throughout most of Europe. Fuel my be costly but there are other benefits so I'm staying put (good to have a moan every now and then though).
Quote from: simi_ed on February 18, 2012, 04:23:33 PM
Nov 6, 2012
who was in charge in June 2008?
For comparison, tax on fuel in the states (for typical road use, farm diesel is different, for example) is around $0.50/gal. Drop the taxes from the equation, and fuel prices start looking a little closer, though still not anywhere near each other.
Then again, I'm one of very few people who's hoping gas prices skyrocket this summer. I'm wanting to buy a car that actually has some damned horsepower, and high gas price always kills the market on them :) Seeing as I drive all of 300mi per month, it doesn't hurt very much. :)
Lets see, in June 2008 ... That would be GW Bush. So Mr K, you got me thinking, I wonder Just how high gas prices are today, in the LA area, where I live? So I did a quick search of Gasbuddy, and voilá, Gas prices are just as high today as your picture! Hmmmmm...
IIRC, GW Bush is living in retirement in Dallas, and BHO is president. Oh, BTW, this is February 25. A good portion of the US is still frozen inside their winter lair, and this well before the summer driving season, when gas spikes. Hang on, you may see $6/gal by rally time. I hope I'm wrong, but I think not.
Quote from: simi_ed on February 24, 2012, 11:16:12 AM
Lets see, in June 2008 ... That would be GW Bush. So Mr K, you got me thinking, I wonder Just how high gas prices are today, in the LA area, where I live? So I did a quick search of Gasbuddy, and voilá, Gas prices are just as high today as your picture! Hmmmmm...
IIRC, GW Bush is living in retirement in Dallas, and BHO is president. Oh, BTW, this is February 25. A good portion of the US is still frozen inside their winter lair, and this well before the summer driving season, when gas spikes. Hang on, you may see $6/gal by rally time. I hope I'm wrong, but I think not.
Further to Ed's point, if you will recall, back in 2008, the refineries (2 of them) were damaged significantly enough from Katrina to be off line back then. Seems to me, this fact more than anything else, lead to the high fuel prices back then. Note, there were speculators driving the prices up as well, but that was 'normal' seasonal speculation.
Who's in charge now, and what is HIS excuse? Maybe He wants it that way?
Obama Wanted High Gas Prices...Gradually (2008 Election Campaign) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M1WlV7vafk#)
Just sayin
More to the point, who sets the fuel prices?
Do you think it is the various Govts or the free market?
Is fuel tied to the benchmark spot market weighted average for,say, Texas Light Sweet Crude (http://www.indexmundi.com/commodities/?commodity=crude-oil-west-texas-intermediate)(WTI) in NYMEX or Singapore or do other factors determine what the pump price is?
Quote from: Klavdy on February 24, 2012, 06:21:08 PM
More to the point, who sets the fuel prices?
Do you think it is the various Govts or the free market?
Is fuel tied to the benchmark spot market weighted average for,say, Texas Light Sweet Crude (http://www.indexmundi.com/commodities/?commodity=crude-oil-west-texas-intermediate)(WTI) in NYMEX or Singapore or do other factors determine what the pump price is?
Fucking evil thieves who care for nothing but money and their own enrichment. You know, "capitalists".
I dunno, who does set the prices? By your last post, I got that you were pointing the finger at GWB. So if that's the case, I'd say BHO is responsible now.
I think that the president is responsible for the price, even if he's a victim to external forces or his own bad policy. I also think we're getting ripped off by speculating folks bidding the prices up, and the oil companies selling fuel to overseas customers while the US is paying near record high prices.
Not quite pointing fingers, Ed.
Merely pointing out that whoever is POTUS doesn't really seem to matter when it comes to gas prices.
Or was that lost on you?
Well, my non-finger pointing friend, I guess your subtlety was lost on me. Over here, a great deal of blame was assigned to GWB by the "news media" and the political Left over the 2008 spike in gas prices. There were even accusation that GWB & VP Dick Cheny were personally profiting due to the high gas prices.
Fast forward to 2012: We're again seeing near record gas prices and there had been nary a peep in the media. I believe that is because the press here is over 90 in same party as POTUS. As Dan Filetti pointed out, candidate 0bama hoped for higher gas prices, "as long as they don't rise too fast". That is unacceptable rhetoric from POTUS, IMHO.
If gas prices continue to spike, it will stall the anemic recovery that is taking a toe-hold in the US. We still have about 15% unemployment here http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t15.htm (http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t15.htm). We have MILLIONS of folks that have given up looking fora job, or are working part time because that's what they can find! Again, unacceptable!
We also have a POTUS that derailed a pipeline that would have employed thousands in construction, and would have brought Canadian oil to the US for refinement & sale, or even export. A poor choice, I believe.
So, while 0bama or Bush don't or didn't set the prices, they still have influence over the price of oil & gasoline, and the price of gas IS one of the yard-sticks that folks use to determine who to vote for. Me, I don't care if it is $1/gal or $10/gal, I'm voting to throw him out in November!
Sorry Ed, you are my mate.
I've got to stop messing with you on these political subjects.
You do know I've been deliberately doing it, yeah?
It's just so tempting and you get so vexed.
Dick move on my part, apologies.