I learned how to ride on a Honda, but always envied my buddy's Yamaha Maxim. It was an '81 or '82 650 and was a blast to ride.
So I started looking on C-list for an affordable commuter with plenty of power. It was love at first site and from the picture in the ad I thought I was going to seeing a black bike but on arrival I found a beautiful midnight blue beauty, the same color as my first car.
I have to admit I wondered if I bought the right bike shortly after bringing it home.Its alot of bike after twenty years off. I am now saving 60 bucks a week in gas and having a great time doing it.
My attitude towards this machine has changed alot 3000 miles later. So thanks for the info and here is one from me.
Damn fine looking machine!
Where are you from?
very nice bike and I love the license plate!
Welcome to the forum! Beautiful FJ, in my favorite color scheme! Stick around and enjoy the madness :good2:
Kookaloo, ya'all!
It definitely is a beauty and you have definitely come to the right place. Enjoy the ride and stay safe. :good2:
Welcome here.
Quote from: Flyover Country Joe on August 03, 2011, 10:24:01 PM
...my favorite color scheme
Not 'red hair and black leather'?
Welcome to the group!
Sweet looking ride! Looks to still be all stock as well ?
Thanks for the welcome,
It's all stock but the seat. It had the corbin on it when I bought it this spring, but I had it recovered.
So far all I have done is put a fresh battery in, changed the oil and filter, tightened the chain, and took the front
wheel in for a new tire. It had a Metzler in the front and a Dunlop on the back, but the Metzler found a screw on the road
so I replaced it with a Dunlop. I have a cortech tank bag that I use for my lunchbox.
Mileage is 28K. Going to have the valves done this winter along with speedo and choke cable. Braided lines and a starter solenoid/relay
thing (take your pick on terminology dont want to open that can o worms)
I live just outside of G-rap any FJ'ers nearby?
Welcome to the club.