Good morning all, I was wondering if someone could explain exactly how the gas cap vent works. I get the idea and concept of it and know why it needs vented, I just don't understand looking at the parts how it works exactly. My cap does whistle when it sits out in the sun for a little bit, don't know if it's normal or not for theses, but I've never had any other of my bikes do it before so it just made wonder.
1. I see the little hold in the bottom side of the cap. I assume this is where the vent is. Where does it vent to from there out the cap itself? Everything looks sealed on the cap and there is no hole on the top for obvious reasons with water intrusion.
2. From the tank, with the black gasket, how does the expanded air get from the tank to the vent hole?
3. There are two cutouts in the black gasket, one for the screw on the cap, what's the other for? almost looks like there is supposed to be something there.
4. What is the circular flat rust colored area on the tank? it's solid, don't see any way for air to pass through to the air vent.
Just curious, thanks in advance
Because I'm not real smart, I forgot to attach the pics of what I was talking about.
Here's a little bit from Alf's website. You might get a bit of an idea. Someone will be along with a definite answer soon enough. Scroll down to the gas cap bit.
There's also a bit in the files section on this forum.