I'm preparing to replace the oil pan on my '86. My question, is it absolutely necessary to replace the o-rings on the two relief valves? I've purchased all kinds of parts and seals for this job, but this is the one item I do not have and would have to wait a loooooong time to get. I did not see anything available on RPM.
Thank you, guys.
Call or email RPM - they'll have them.
Type "relief" in the search field they pop up or click the links
http://www.rpmracingca.com/proddetail.asp?prod=O-Ring93210-15566 (http://www.rpmracingca.com/proddetail.asp?prod=O-Ring93210-15566)
http://www.rpmracingca.com/proddetail.asp?prod=OilPanReliefORing93210-10096 (http://www.rpmracingca.com/proddetail.asp?prod=OilPanReliefORing93210-10096)
Robert, thank you. This is the help I needed.
But I did type in "relief" in the search field. I really did do that.
I think my problem was that I did it under the, "FJ Specific Parts," heading http://www.rpmracingca.com/products.asp?cat=39 (http://www.rpmracingca.com/products.asp?cat=39). That returned zero hits. Now I know, thanks again.
Since we're here, the manual suggests replacing the "Oil Level Sensor Switch o-ring, also. You don't sell just the o-ring, but if I purchase the oil lever sensor http://www.rpmracingca.com/proddetail.asp?prod=Engine%3AO-RingStarter%2FOilLevelSensor (http://www.rpmracingca.com/proddetail.asp?prod=Engine%3AO-RingStarter%2FOilLevelSensor), does it come with the o-ring also? Does this even matter?
Geez, thanks for the help.
Question answered, thanks guys.
Yea, I don't think I have it tagged under specific to FJ. If you search on the home page it works better. Oil level o-rings are the same, probably.
O-rings on the way.