A set of GIVI E41 bags for sale on eBay UK. They do ship to the USA. These are the same type of bags that Cap'n Ron and I have on our bikes. The keyless top door makes for a convenient access point without having to open the main clamshell. Each bag is large enough to put a full face helmet inside.
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/givi-e41-keyless-system-panniers/303276332762?hash=item469cad96da:g:iZAAAOSwd~xdcp4- (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/givi-e41-keyless-system-panniers/303276332762?hash=item469cad96da:g:iZAAAOSwd~xdcp4-)
Photo of my GIVI bags for demonstration