R.I.P. Frank Villagomez 7/25/19 (djfrankv (http://www.fjowners.com/index.php?action=profile;u=1219))
I just saw this posting on Facebook this morning. I don't know much details other than his passing was due to Cancer.
I never met Frank, but I know a few of our California members have met and ridden with Frank.
Yeah I just saw this also. I rode with Frank once. Hell of a nice guy and rode well. Had a beautiful FJ11 and a rare GTS. Wished we could have hooked up for more rides up his way but seems time had conspired against this. :sorry:
Very sad news: RIP Frank.
Randy - RPM
I rode with Frank a few times as well, a good guy.
Same here. Shared some roads with him. So sorry to hear this.
Terrible.....still a young man.