I have a broken right turn signal lens tab on my front cowl. I'm trying to remove the cowl but a couple of things are tough. Right now, the plate that surrounds the choke knob/shaft is stumping me. How do I remove that plate? I need to get it off, I think, to remove the cowl. The other issue are the two bolts down below the headlight. If anybody has helpful hints regarding reaching those bolts, please pass along. Thank you forum members.
Remove the choke knob first.
There is a small set screw in the side of the knob.
Could be an Allen set screw or a flat blade set screw, I've seen both.
After the knob comes off the plate should just pop off.
Thanks Pat. I did see the set screw but didn't have an allen wrench that fit it. Now I do. I was hesitant to just pull on the plate since everything is so old and brittle. I'm repairing the mounting tabs for the turn signal lenses now. The left side broke as well. I think there is a way to repair the tabs without removing the whole cowling. Of course I've unbolted/unscrewed almost all of it before realizing it doesn't have to come off.
I'll post some pics of the repair if it proves successful.
Be particularly delicate with that set screw in the choke knob. It can strip easily and that damned knob is the key to everything dash/cowling related. I have a special purpose tiny phillips screwdriver and brand new screws for this. If it strips, you'll need to destroy the knob to remove it. It's a poor design, and should have been a threaded shaft for the knob to screw onto.
Quote from: ZOA NOM on July 27, 2018, 11:42:56 AM
Be particularly delicate with that set screw in the choke knob. It can strip easily and that damned knob is the key to everything dash/cowling related. I have a special purpose tiny phillips screwdriver and brand new screws for this. If it strips, you'll need to destroy the knob to remove it. It's a poor design, and should have been a threaded shaft for the knob to screw onto.
Back when I had carbs - and further back when they were stock ones! I had to drill the base of the knob out and use a cotter key to secure it. Not a tidy solution, but was an effective one.
Thanks guys. I was able to repair the lens mounting tabs without removing the whole front cowl. I will attempt to remove the choke knob when I have time and patience. Better to break it when I'm not in a hurry to remove the plastic than later. I also got my new windscreen on as well. It was nearly dark when I finished so overall pics will be later.