General Category => Yamaha FJ1100 / FJ1200 Running Problems => Topic started by: xridar on August 17, 2016, 10:08:47 AM

Title: bike doesn't start
Post by: xridar on August 17, 2016, 10:08:47 AM
I am trying to start my fj1200 mod 1992 abs after a long period of time but it doesn't start.
I checked the fuel pump and there is no fuel comming out when pushing the start buton.
I checked the fuel pump connecting it to a battery and it is working fine.
By disconnecting the wire connection of the pump  the voltage is about 8-9,5 volts.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance

Title: Re: bike doesn't start
Post by: FJmonkey on August 17, 2016, 10:33:34 AM
Sticking to the basics of air, fuel and spark, you have no fuel.
1. Make sure there is fresh fuel in the tank. If it sat for a long period and it once contained ethanol it may not be the best fuel to use.
2. Make sure the petcock is open and allows fuel to flow to the fuel pump.
3. Check the carb bowls to see if fuel is getting to the carbs.
4. Make sure the choke is on.
5. 9.5 volts is way too low, the battery performance is sub-standard and is (will be) part of the problem. You need to get 12VDC + when under load to get a good spark.

Special note: If the carbs were not drained and or the fuel prepped for a long nap then your carbs will need a complete tear-down and clean. You might get it to start but it will not idle properly off choke as the jets will be clogged from old dried fuel.
Title: Re: bike doesn't start
Post by: Flynt on August 17, 2016, 11:30:33 AM
Quote from: xridar on August 17, 2016, 10:08:47 AM
the voltage is about 8-9,5 volts.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance

From first hand experience over the last month or so when my '92 fuel pump stopped working, that voltage is too low for the pump to run.  I had what turned out to be a problem with the ignition switch pigtail that was getting me 10.3v at the pump and it wouldn't run.

Will your starter spin the engine?  You might just need fresh gas and a new battery to get it to fire.  Mark already gave you the correct answer however...  take carbs off and send to Randy is step #1.  The get fresh gas and fuel filter, get new battery, check/adjust valve clearances, install your bench balanced carbs, and you're ready to try again.  While the carbs are getting sorted, get all the other routine maintenance (oil changed, brake and clutch bled, etc.) done before you fire it up and have your gear ready...  you'll want to ride it I bet.

Title: Re: bike doesn't start
Post by: Pat Conlon on August 17, 2016, 11:37:11 AM
Quote from: xridar on August 17, 2016, 10:08:47 AM
I checked the fuel pump and there is no fuel comming out when pushing the start buton.

The start button has nothing to do with it....
Your fuel pump should start pumping the moment you turn the ignition key on.
With the key on and engine off the fuel pump should run for 3 to 5 seconds then shut off. The shut off is a safety feature.
Because of this safety feature you may have to turn the key on and off a couple of times to allow the fuel pump to cycle enough to fill the carbs with gas.

However, the fuel pump aint gonna work if your battery is weak.

A weak battery in our FJ's cause all kinds of weird symptoms.
Title: Re: bike doesn't start
Post by: xridar on August 18, 2016, 03:56:44 AM
Thank you all
Finally after many tryes and a second battery in parallel also  giving voltage to the pump from the battery the engine started.
There was a big explosion like a bomb probably because there was too match fuel concentrated in the cylinders, but after that the engine started.
You are right that the whole fuel system has to be cleaned and new gas to be filled.
I notised that the fuel pump every time that you turn on the switch gives 1_2 pulses and with the engine on it pulses according to the rpms.
Thank again for your help

Title: Re: bike doesn't start
Post by: JOMPPA10 on August 19, 2016, 04:34:03 PM
Quote from: xridar on August 17, 2016, 10:08:47 AM
I am trying to start my fj1200 mod 1992 abs after a long period of time but it doesn't start.
I checked the fuel pump and there is no fuel comming out when pushing the start buton.
I checked the fuel pump connecting it to a battery and it is working fine.
By disconnecting the wire connection of the pump  the voltage is about 8-9,5 volts.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance

fuelpump only give 4sec fuel to carbs, and then your carbs supposed to be full.
So you check pump, startbutton is not issue but voltage is. so battery maybe weak
my suggestion daily driver is AGM battery version more A same space. And maybe your carbs
have sticking needles,and so on, TODAYS FUEL DONT LAST OWER 6 MOUNTS,and thats

yours Seppo

Title: Re: bike doesn't start
Post by: ct7088 on August 19, 2016, 08:39:02 PM
Check the voltage on the battery side of the ignition switch then check the voltage on the output side. You maybe surprised at the difference. There are many possibilities to check when the battery is good but the pump supply voltage is low. Two weeks ago my headlight and instrument lights went out. The voltage at the start button was good both input and output but zero volts at the Hi/Lo beam switch. The problem was probably in the ten pin connector under the right side of the cowling. Wiggling the connector around to be able to check the voltage caused the head light and instrument lights to start working. Working now for two weeks and about one hundred miles.