I have had my set for 30 years and they have performed flawlessly. Had a stupid moment on a ladder in basement over the winter and fell off right on to one of the cases and cracked the back of it pretty good. Don't think it's repairable so I'd like to find a used one. Doesn't have to be in good shape.
Anyone out there have one they'd like to sell?
Plastic welding dude, get it fixed. Less than a new one....
Or call Givi USA and see if you can buy the part you broke... :pardon:
That model is so out of production..gort an estimate from my local performance shop. Said he could "weld" it but it would cost about $150. Not sure it's worth it. Might just go with soft bags
Plastex is easy. Do it yourself kinda stuff.
Could fit some GIVI knock offs until the real ma-coy shows up on e-bay.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/HOMCOM-44L-Detachable-Scooter-Motorcycle-Luggage-Trunk-Top-Case-Black-/301425796631?hash=item462e60a617:g:zSQAAOSwqu9VCh6R&vxp=mtr (http://www.ebay.com/itm/HOMCOM-44L-Detachable-Scooter-Motorcycle-Luggage-Trunk-Top-Case-Black-/301425796631?hash=item462e60a617:g:zSQAAOSwqu9VCh6R&vxp=mtr)
JC Whitney used to sell 'em but I don't believe they are available from them anymore. They mount to GIVI Monokey racks - I've used and abused them for years with no issues.
(http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/campsimonette/johnnyandme_zps4e386d42.jpg) (http://s208.photobucket.com/user/campsimonette/media/johnnyandme_zps4e386d42.jpg.html)
(http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/campsimonette/fjyoshpipes.jpg) (http://s208.photobucket.com/user/campsimonette/media/fjyoshpipes.jpg.html)
(http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/campsimonette/100_3605.jpg) (http://s208.photobucket.com/user/campsimonette/media/100_3605.jpg.html)
I can second the motion on using GIVI knock offs. I can't comment on the saddle bags, but I can on the top boxes. I have a GIVI E470 knock off. It is a universal mount, all that is needed is a tail rack. Purchased on eBay for $65.00
This is an old photo, I have since painted the lid silver and added authentic GIVI clear lenses.
(http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o145/aviationfred/temporary_zpsrdbrf2p5.jpg) (http://s119.photobucket.com/user/aviationfred/media/temporary_zpsrdbrf2p5.jpg.html)
Will check link out..thanks....pretty bike..don't see a lot of yellow out there.
Quote from: FJFAST on May 20, 2016, 08:30:49 AM
That model is so out of production..gort an estimate from my local performance shop. Said he could "weld" it but it would cost about $150. Not sure it's worth it. Might just go with soft bags
Send me some pics of the damage...
Here's some pics. There aren't any chucks missing and everything seems to line back up fairly well.
I will take a crack at welding it up if you like. PM me if want my address. I will post up how the welding goes and you decide if looks good enough. No charge for the welding. The weld will be noticeable as I cannot duplicate the textured finish, but it will be as strong as original. It will only cost for the shipping.
I dont know how much that box cost to replace but if it broke your fall and you didnt get hurt because of it I'd say it may have saved you allot more than the cost to replace it. I had a friend that fell off the 2nd rung of a ladder and and it cracked his Tibia on a long upward diagonal, he never walked right after that.