HI iam new in this forum . Guestion? my bike is running fine almost 100000 miles , but ive sense some vibration in bikes frame around 3000-3500 rpm , none other rpm dont make that.
Welcome to the group, :hi:
The first thing I would do is sync your carbs. Out of sync carbs will cause vibrations.
Go to the introductions section and tell us about yourself, where your from and maybe a photo of your FJ.
Quote from: JOMPPA10 on May 21, 2014, 02:35:43 PM
HI iam new in this forum . Guestion? my bike is running fine almost 100000 miles , but ive sense some vibration in bikes frame around 3000-3500 rpm , none other rpm dont make that.
Welcome ! Vibrations can be from a lot of different areas. It would help us if you gave us more information. What year of bike ? When was the last time you synced the carbs ? Also where you are located ? If you are in a rust or corrosion area there are things to be looked at also. More info please. If you haven't already done so go up to the intro area and introduce yourself. :good2: Almost 100,000 miles :good2: :good2:
my bike is 1990 1200 precicly 148 thousands km in meter still running :flag_of_truce:
I don't know what year that Yamaha started with rubber engine mounts on the FJ1200. However, if you use the search engine here on lubing engine mounts, you'll find a lot of information on doing it. If it applies to your bike, and with the mileage that you state that your bike has, you may be able to improve your vibration issue by pulling the mounts, cleaning them up, lubing them, then reassembling everything.
A valve lash (clearances) check and adjust, and carb synch would definitely be in order for you too, if you don't know when either were done last.
Good luck.
Tervetuloa.Another FJ owner from Finland :yahoo:.
Welcome, the more we know about your bike the more we can help.. I hope you enjoy our digital campfire....
Quote from: MatYl on June 01, 2014, 02:21:44 PM
Tervetuloa.Another FJ owner from Finland :yahoo:.
NO KIITOS perusjutut vaan hakusessa tuon fj kanssa ostin sen paljon kokeneneena ja näkeneneenä , ex omistaja oli poistanut sähköpumpumpun
toimii noin 50 km ajossa ja sitten hyytyy, laitoin uuden pumpun (facett) kesti 4pv lyhyttä ajoa ja kaasarit alkoi tulvia yl ja käynti oli sellaista mitä et
haluakuulla. uudet neulojen korjaursarjat tulossa kaikkiin 4-kaasuttimeen. toivottavasti auttaa....
Don't do just the needles, do the o-rings under the needle seats. I'd guess the ratio of flooding problems are 90% o-rings and 10% needles.*
*Answer based on Google Translate. Sorry if you were talking about sewing and excess rain runoff.