Yep, we got another
Manshed Day! :yahoo:
After receipt of some friendly pressure, it`s on for Saturday 28th in tha same Workshop at Buderim. (PM me for the address)
Start time is whatever ya feel like on tha day. All welcome ta drop in and say G`day or grab a wrench or offer an opinion. (plenty of chairs & Magazines)
Here`s a reminder of what happened last time: (
Harvy stole me Air hawk cushion at Haigslee, just ta make sure his torque wrench didn`t go missing again. We got the carb tuning gear, cooling fans, oil drainers on hand, Grease for engine mounts and even those spare 93 forks just in case.
Might be enough time ta get any bits ya need sent to my place direct, but we scheduled it for a Saturday to ensure local Bike shops were open.
But Wait!..There`s more!
For lunch, we got a free Sausage Sizzle at a Mates private Manshed 15 mins down tha road. (I Got cars & blindfolds for the short trip) I have ta shoot you if ya remember his address, but if ya like Vincents, Indians, BSA`s, Triumphs, odd sidecars, racebikes, Memorabillia and even a Brough superior`ll be worth dieing for. :drinks:
Plenty of spare snags for those that won`t know if they can make it till the last minute...but wouldn`t mind a rough idea on the numbers. (popcorn)
I'll be there General, I missed out on the last one, and there's no way I'm gonna miss this one. My bike doesn't really need anything done, maybe a carb sync if there's time.
I'm willing to get my hands dirty, I can do the timing advance mod on your bike if you like. I can bring my rattle gun kit if you don't have one, makes it easier to get the rotor bolt loose.
Looking forward to this, see you on the day.
Quote from: Bones on September 10, 2013, 09:22:05 PM
I'll be there General, I missed out on the last one, and there's no way I'm gonna miss this one. My bike doesn't really need anything done, maybe a carb sync if there's time.
I'm willing to get my hands dirty, I can do the timing advance mod on your bike if you like. I can bring my rattle gun kit if you don't have one, makes it easier to get the rotor bolt loose.
Looking forward to this, see you on the day.
Done deal mate. I got my son-in-laws brand new compressor under some rubbish here somewhere...I will check if there`s hoses, air gauge etc. :drinks:
Quote from: Bones on September 10, 2013, 09:22:05 PM
I'm willing to get my hands dirty, I can do the timing advance mod on your bike if you like.
Would you like to have a crack at mine Tony? :drinks: I've got a new chain and sprockets to do as well, but I might leave these for my rear suspension pull down/clean up. I may have some pods by then, will see how my Randy order goes, :good2:
Can do Ray, doesn't take long to do it.
hey tony tell me abit about the timing advance mod could you, ken
Its a relatively easy mod that advances the FJ timing by 4-5 degrees and results in slightly better throttle response as far as I understand Ken.
Heres a link with pics, only requires a bit of filing, refit and away you go. (
thanks ray, had a read, looks promising, i'll watch it getting done at dougs and see what everyone reckons, ken
Yeah Ken, take the left hand engine cover off and you'll see a rotor with a plate behind it that has all the ignition bits screwed to it. That's the part you modify.
Undo the Bolt on the rotor with a rattle gun if you've got one,( makes it easier and you don't have to hold the rotor from spinning if your using a spanner) and pull the rotor off.
Unscrew the pickup and all the other bits from the plate and remove. Mine were tight and you might need to use an impact driver.
Take out the 2 screws that hold the plate on and pull the plate off, now with a rat tail file or dremel, file the hole to the left to the edge of the shadow left from the washer, it's only a few mm you got to take out.
Do the same to the other bolt hole and reinstall, the plate has to be rotated to the right as far as it will go and then tighten up. I used blue loctite on all the screws so they don't come loose.
Put all the gear back on tighten the rotor bolt with the rattle Gun, install the cover and start it up. Mine idled fast so slow your idle down and take it for a spin and see if you can feel the difference. I did, mine feels a bit peppier, it advances the timing about 4 or 5 degrees I think.
thanks tony, see you there, ken
Quote from: Bones on September 11, 2013, 12:15:49 AM
........tighten the rotor bolt with the rattle Gun....
Nooooooo. We have enough trouble here with people that don't have a 'feel" for bolt tightening stripping or snapping things off by hand. Even in experienced hands, rattle guns give very little feedback.
Yeah, your right Noel, probably shouldn't use a rattle gun to tighten up the bolt. I've got a small rattle gun and only gave it a quick bruppp and left it so I don't think it would be too tight. They shouldn't come loose anyway cause the crank spins the other way, but yeah, good advice.
Quote from: Bones on September 11, 2013, 12:15:49 AM
Take out the 2 screws that hold the plate on and pull the plate off, now with a rat tail file or dremel....
You could also use a rotary file like this in the drill press to elongate the hole. It lets you move the plate around the tool instead of vice versa. Makes it easy to handle and keep the direction accurate. Also very quick.
noel, i see at times you think some mods are not worth doing, but i assume you sanction this 1, do tell,,, i respect your advice, ken
Quote from: ken65 on September 11, 2013, 08:15:27 AM
noel, i see at times you think some mods are not worth doing,
Now now Ken, is that how I come across? I prefer to make my own call on the merit of mods and procedures rather than just go with the flow. There may have been a couple of things I don't agree with but overall I think modding the ol' girls into the 21st century is a great idea.
Now Ken, stop saying things like that, I trying to reinvent myself here as being non inflammatory with my comments. :biggrin:
Say it ain't so noel:-) I will miss the reality checks!
Quote from: ribbert on September 11, 2013, 12:45:09 AM
Quote from: Bones on September 11, 2013, 12:15:49 AM
........tighten the rotor bolt with the rattle Gun....
Nooooooo. We have enough trouble here with people that don't have a 'feel" for bolt tightening stripping or snapping things off by hand. Even in experienced hands, rattle guns give very little feedback.
Timing plate 36 ft lbs (50 Nm)
3-37 service manual
Keep the rattle gun in the tool box :good2: :good2: :good2:
sorry noel, it mustn't have come out how i meant it to, pm sent, ken
I'm there General............ none of yew's need the bloody thing touched leave well enough alone :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
Does anyone from Brisbane area want to meet somewhere to ride up to the Generals place. I've never been there before, and my el cheapo GPS can't find his address.
Just name a time and place and I'll meet you there.
Thanks Tony.
Tony, I'll meet you if you want......what way are you intending to travel.......via ESK, or coming in on the highways?
I can meet you at the BP Servo at Burpengary or at the Ettamogah pub?
gday harvy, when you work out what your doing with tony, let me know what time your leaving and i'll pop down the road and meet you.
No problem Ken!
good one, thanks
It'll probably be quicker for me to shoot though Brisbane than going the back way Harvy, so Burpengary sounds good. What time you reckon.
Tony, I'll be in the car as I want to take a few spare parts up with me in case anyone needs whatever time you recon you can get to Burpengary. Ken will be on 2 wheels i believe?
Neil, you watching this thread? Looks like your best bet would be to come down thru The Bluff and take the Esk Rd and then via Kilcoy, Peechester and Beerwah, Steve Irwin way to the highway and we can meet you at the Ettamogah Pub.
I can get there around 7.00 - 7.30 am, Not too early / late is it. What's everybody else think.
Quote from: ken65 on September 11, 2013, 12:31:09 AM
thanks tony, see you there, ken
Ahhh, Mate...You do realise Sat 28th is not tomorrow, right? ...not that the date`s have been mixed up before or anything :sorry:
....just checking. (looks like we got a great crew com`n ay!) :drinks:
Heh Heh, I was going to say yep, see you at BP, no worries. But then I realised I'm going away to Darlington Park south Of Beaudesert next Thursday for a few days camping.
But my dear wife said knowing how much I love Manshed days, why don't I get up really early on the Saturday, fly home in the car, jump on the bike and get to the Generals reasonably early. Sounds feasible. Then I can get home late that arvo, jump back in the car and head back to the campsite. (Its only an hour south of home)
I don't really have anything to do to mine anyway, (RPM parts order still to be finalised), have new chain/sprockets, might do that.
hehe, thanks for reminding me, im about 15 minutes from there so i'll be there around 7.15 am,
in 8 days time, if thats as you said not to early or late, bloody hell you have a good wife ray, ken
Yes, she understands my "FJ" needs Ken, lol.
Ahhh, Mate...You do realise Sat 28th is not tomorrow, right? ...not that the date`s have been mixed up before or anything :sorry:
....just checking. (looks like we got a great crew com`n ay!) :drinks:
Don't worry Doug, I do realise it is next weekend, :good2: just putting it out there early to see if people wanted to meet somewhere.
See you then
Ok all Instead of meeting AT the BP....... I'll tell you why when we meet lets make it the Shell servo On Johnson road north of Caboolture @ 8am???? Its only 2omins to the Generals from there
No worries Baldy, I'll meet wherever. Is that servo on Johnson Rd??? just off the hwy, easily spotted. Don't go up that way too often. Tony.
is that the new hungry jacks servo?
Yes thats the one Ken just before the fixed speed cameran
Unfortunately I can't make this one due to work commitments but I'd like to give my opinion on the ignition plate mod. I did the mod some months ago and trialled the bike at several settings. And I've just returned from a five day ride down to Canberra and back. In my humble opinion the 4 degree advance via the ignition plate mod is brilliant. It added a significant amount of pep to the motor, improved starting, idle, mid range and high range. I also suspect it uses slightly less fuel, although I have no data on that.
It does make a difference, be interesting to put one with it and one without side by side and do roll on tests at different speeds to see the performance gain.
Quote from: Stainesy on September 20, 2013, 03:31:33 AM
In my humble opinion the 4 degree advance via the ignition plate mod is brilliant. It added a significant amount of pep to the motor, improved starting, idle, mid range and high range. I also suspect it uses slightly less fuel, although I have no data on that.
Thanks Leon, some good "seat of the pants" feedback. I know Tony has done this also and I'll probably do this on the day as well, after all, if it doesn't work out, simply rotate the plate back to the original position, can't lose. :good2:
How did the ride to Canberra go?
Quote from: X-Ray on September 20, 2013, 07:27:53 AM
How did the ride to Canberra go?
The bike this year had some mods that it didn't have last year, namely, the ignition advanced, R1 front brake callipers with HH pads, an Airhawk seat, Highway Pegs on the crash bars, a Throttlemeister and Go Cruise Throttle Control and each proved to be money well spent. As mentioned earlier the ignition advance gave the bike a better feel right through the rev range. The R1 brake & HH pads were streets ahead of the original FJ callipers & non HH pads. The highway pegs enabled a third stable platform to place my feet when my legs needed a change of position from main pegs or back pegs. The Airhawk was absolutely sensational; no sore bum whatsoever. The Throttlemeister and Go Cruise together with a throttle rocker were invaluable in keeping the right hand and wrist pain free. So, the mods made the trip even more enjoyable. With
1,400 motorbikes on the road it was a little crazy at times between Sydney and Canberra.
I'm now coming back from our campsite on Friday night for an early start Saturday, as I don't think farting around 5.00 am on Saturday morning leaving the campsite will make me many friends, :lol:
I only have have 2 jobs to do on the day, --
Timing Mod --- I haven't got far with this one myself as those screws holding the cover on will not budge, may need an impact driver?
New chain/sprockets -- Only put new sprockets on late last year, but I guess its best to put new everything on in one go. Only thing I don't have is a chain breaker/riveter. Would someone have one of these for use on the day? I know a grinder will make short work of removing the chain.
Thats all I have planned for my bike at this stage, plus helping the General with the "hanger', and anything else that needs doing of course :yahoo:
After I copped a bit of flak ( justified) about using a rattle gun to tighten the rotor bolt, I was thinking of ways to stop the rotor from spinning while tightening it properly. ( torque wrench).
Knowing that a couple wanted the timing mod done at manshed day, I sat back with the cover off and after a few cans of " inspiration " came up with this.
No need for a rattle gun now, but I'll bring it anyway in case it's needed elsewhere.
I've got an impact driver Ray that I'll bring along too.
Try again
What!!!!!! still no pictures, ah well you'll see it in action on the day.
Bugger it, Time for a beer
Quote from: Bones on September 25, 2013, 12:08:19 AM
After I copped a bit of flak ( justified) about using a rattle gun to tighten the rotor bolt, I was thinking of ways to stop the rotor from spinning while tightening it properly. ( torque wrench).
Knowing that a couple wanted the timing mod done at manshed day, I sat back with the cover off and after a few cans of " inspiration " came up with this.
No need for a rattle gun now, but I'll bring it anyway in case it's needed elsewhere.
I've got an impact driver Ray that I'll bring along too.
Tony, there is an easy way to do this.
The engine has a lot of rotating mass. A sudden hit, as opposed to a slow turn, won't turn it.
A long socket bar and a couple of belts with the palm of your hand will have it as tight as it ever needs to be. You can also use the slack in the bar and socket to your advantage while doing this.
Think of it like a kick starter. You can kick it (as you would kick a ball) until your foot breaks or the kick starter bends or breaks and motor will barely move. Push on it and of course the engine turns over.
And, see as how you mentioned them.......As far as impact drivers go, (I have previously stated I think they're useless) if they work, particularly on PH screws, it probably would have loosened anyway. Someone mentioned here recently he had success using one even without hitting it with a hammer!
Other than their disputed efficiency, I don't like them because they offer absolutely no feel. You get more feedback from a rattle gun, and that's not much.
As any pair of experience hands knows, when trying to remove a stubborn screw, an essential part of the process is feeling when the tool starts to move instead of the screw. Time then to re group and maybe try something else before you destroy the head.
An impact driver bypasses this step and mangles the screw head with one belt of a hammer.
If using one with a socket, they still give no feel when tightening.
There are methods using the same principal as the impact driver using common garage tools that are far more successful.
Don't believe me? Try and find a full time mechanic that's been on the tools for more than 5 mins that uses one.
Well all I can come up with Noel that I've tried and seems to work with some overtight phillips screws is to have someone really pushing on the screwdriver while ever so slightly twisting, and have someone tap the screwdriver with a hammer. (I've even hung a shifter off the screwdriver to get leverage) If this isn't the solution I'd love to know what works.
I'm bringing some s/s allen bolts from a kit I bought a few years back. Hopefully theres 4 in it the right size so I can piss those cheesy factory screws off altogether.
Quote from: X-Ray on September 25, 2013, 03:20:10 AM
Well all I can come up with Noel that I've tried and seems to work with some overtight phillips screws is to have someone really pushing on the screwdriver while ever so slightly twisting, and have someone tap the screwdriver with a hammer. (I've even hung a shifter off the screwdriver to get leverage) If this isn't the solution I'd love to know what works.
Yep! you are spot on and if you are using a steel shaft (right through the handle) screwdriver it works very well. A bit of experimentation with how hard to hit and how much to twist will make it more efficient, but that works for me most of the time.
You are essentially doing what the impact driver does but with control.
One of the keys to this working well is a good belt on the driver (or directly on the screw head if possible) before you start twisting. It drives the tip into the screw head but most importantly it helps "break" the thread.
This really only works well though with a steel shaft screw driver. The sharpness from the hammer blow is otherwise dulled and absorbed into the plastic handle.
If you don't have one of these, a belt with a drift of punch first will help, it also closes over the slots if they are spread or twisted.
Repeat: If you are not using a steel shaft screwy you are losing most of the effect of the hammer blow.
I have a couple of screw drivers with slightly larger and better designed handles and it's amazing the difference it makes in the torsional force you can apply, without resorting to shifters.
Quote from: X-Ray on September 25, 2013, 03:20:10 AM
Well all I can come up with Noel that I've tried and seems to work with some overtight phillips screws is to have someone really pushing on the screwdriver while ever so slightly twisting, and have someone tap the screwdriver with a hammer. (I've even hung a shifter off the screwdriver to get leverage) If this isn't the solution I'd love to know what works.
I'm bringing some s/s allen bolts from a kit I bought a few years back. Hopefully theres 4 in it the right size so I can piss those cheesy factory screws off altogether.
Ray If you haven't already installed them bring the lot and we can do most of them on Saturday!
Quote from: baldy3853 on September 25, 2013, 11:06:33 AM
Quote from: X-Ray on September 25, 2013, 03:20:10 AM
Well all I can come up with Noel that I've tried and seems to work with some overtight phillips screws is to have someone really pushing on the screwdriver while ever so slightly twisting, and have someone tap the screwdriver with a hammer. (I've even hung a shifter off the screwdriver to get leverage) If this isn't the solution I'd love to know what works.
I'm bringing some s/s allen bolts from a kit I bought a few years back. Hopefully theres 4 in it the right size so I can piss those cheesy factory screws off altogether.
Ray If you haven't already installed them bring the lot and we can do most of them on Saturday!
No worries guys, I got tha steel through the handle screwdriver, big arse hammer, stilsens, multigrips, 2 shifters and heaps of band aids! I even got a puncture, a puncture kit that didn`t work and one Jimmy reckons will work - (be an interesting challenge - cause he sells them). Plenty of room under cover if we`re lucky enough ta get some rain, but looks like nice temp forecast. Plenty of magazine`s, lounge, chairs & me mate tha baker`s gunna cook us up fresh raisin Bread & healthy, soft bread Rolls straight from his oven, first thing...You can have`m drip`n in real Aussie butter, or your choice of peanut butter, Kenilworth Honey, and real man`s Vegemite along (with wake ya up type) coffee & stuff. We`ll duck off to the secret shed (15 mins down tha road) at midday (plenty of cars for transport) with the BBQ in tow for special manshed snags & entertainment. (If ya remember tha way I have ta shoot ya!)...Then back for more afternoon sport... (there`s a TV under this dust, somewhere!) :drinks:
Quote from: The General on September 25, 2013, 01:02:31 PM
Quote from: baldy3853 on September 25, 2013, 11:06:33 AM
Quote from: X-Ray on September 25, 2013, 03:20:10 AM
Well all I can come up with Noel that I've tried and seems to work with some overtight phillips screws is to have someone really pushing on the screwdriver while ever so slightly twisting, and have someone tap the screwdriver with a hammer. (I've even hung a shifter off the screwdriver to get leverage) If this isn't the solution I'd love to know what works.
I'm bringing some s/s allen bolts from a kit I bought a few years back. Hopefully theres 4 in it the right size so I can piss those cheesy factory screws off altogether.
Ray If you haven't already installed them bring the lot and we can do most of them on Saturday!
No worries guys, I got tha steel through the handle screwdriver, big arse hammer, stilsens, multigrips, 2 shifters and heaps of band aids! I even got a puncture, a puncture kit that didn`t work and one Jimmy reckons will work - (be an interesting challenge - cause he sells them). Plenty of room under cover if we`re lucky enough ta get some rain, but looks like nice temp forecast. Plenty of magazine`s, lounge, chairs & me mate tha baker`s gunna cook us up fresh raisin Bread & healthy, soft bread Rolls straight from his oven, first thing...You can have`m drip`n in real Aussie butter, or your choice of peanut butter, Kenilworth Honey, and real man`s Vegemite along (with wake ya up type) coffee & stuff. We`ll duck off to the secret shed (15 mins down tha road) at midday (plenty of cars for transport) with the BBQ in tow for special manshed snags & entertainment. (If ya remember tha way I have ta shoot ya!)...Then back for more afternoon sport... (there`s a TV under this dust, somewhere!) :drinks:
Good need the tv to watch the horse racing :good2:
if its o.k. I may tag along as well. Are you all still meeting at the shell on Johnson road about 8am?
I'm keen to have a crack at the front engine mount lube etc...see how it goes.
Is there anything I need to bring that will be of help to anyone on the day?
regards Rob
Quote from: dayta on September 25, 2013, 09:05:15 PM
if its o.k. I may tag along as well. Are you all still meeting at the shell on Johnson road about 8am?
I'm keen to have a crack at the front engine mount lube etc...see how it goes.
Is there anything I need to bring that will be of help to anyone on the day?
regards Rob
I've heard those if those engine mounts are seized, they can require anything up to a six pack to remove them.
Quote from: dayta on September 25, 2013, 09:05:15 PM
if its o.k. I may tag along as well. Are you all still meeting at the shell on Johnson road about 8am?
I'm keen to have a crack at the front engine mount lube etc...see how it goes.
Is there anything I need to bring that will be of help to anyone on the day?
regards Rob
Rob, last I heard its the BP Northbound just past Uhlmann Rd, Burpengary..... 8 am is good for me.
Tony, is that good for you?
Ken - I will call past your place at 7:30.
I have decided i don't need to bring that much up with me so will be on the bike.
Cheers all
Hi Harvey,
Baldy 3853 was talking about Johnson road shell in an earlier part to this thread..
happy to meet anywhere though...BP, Shell etc. Just let me know what suits the rest and I will fit in
looking forward to the ride...haven't been out in weeks!
hi, as i thought you were driving up harvy, this is what a few of us have sorted so far, i was going to meet tony at the bp around 7-7.15 at the bp burpengary , then meeting up with baldy at 8 at the shell, ray was going to try and meat us at the bp, me and tony plan on trying to do a few roll on tests between our bikes , then another comparision if we get time to do the timing advance mod on mine, a sort of before and after ,anyhow thats how it is at the moment but i can fit in with whatever is decided, ken
OK...all good ......just so long as eveyone knows the way to Doug's place.
If I meet at either BP or Shell then I will, else, see you all at Doug's.
Rob, where are you located mate? I'm just around the corner from Ken's place in Brighton.
Cheers guys
Quote from: dayta on September 25, 2013, 09:05:15 PM
if its o.k. I may tag along as well. Are you all still meeting at the shell on Johnson road about 8am?
I'm keen to have a crack at the front engine mount lube etc...see how it goes.
Is there anything I need to bring that will be of help to anyone on the day?
regards Rob
Fantastic Rob! PM me if you need the address. :drinks:
I live in wellington point so will be travelling along Wynnum road then over the gateway bridge heading north...
Happy to meet anywhere that suits / any time just let me know.
Anyone need, beer, tools, ??? happy to chip in for what's required.. just let me know
Quote from: dayta on September 26, 2013, 12:39:24 AM
I live in wellington point so will be travelling along Wynnum road then over the gateway bridge heading north...
Happy to meet anywhere that suits / any time just let me know.
Anyone need, beer, tools, ??? happy to chip in for what's required.. just let me know
There was a guy selling a white police model over your way a while back.....not yours is it?
Quote from: dayta on September 26, 2013, 12:39:24 AM
I live in wellington point so will be travelling along Wynnum road then over the gateway bridge heading north...
Happy to meet anywhere that suits / any time just let me know.
Anyone need, beer, tools, ??? happy to chip in for what's required.. just let me know
Ya wouldn`t have a torque wrench by any chance? :pardon: I might be losing mine soon!....Nahh...Just bring yourself mate, no prob with tha rest. :drinks:
Quote from: The General on September 26, 2013, 12:50:59 AM
Ya wouldn`t have a torque wrench by any chance? :pardon: I might be losing mine soon!....Nahh...Just bring yourself mate, no prob with tha rest. :drinks:
"MINE?" hahahah
no...not guilty on the police model front..mines black and some sort of weird brownie pink two tone colour separated by a blue strip
geeez I must paint it something reasonable...
anyway...what time is everyone meeting and where?...cause no idea were we going?
Rob (popcorn)
Quote from: Stainesy on September 21, 2013, 10:27:33 PM
Quote from: X-Ray on September 20, 2013, 07:27:53 AM
How did the ride to Canberra go?
. With 1,400 motorbikes on the road it was a little crazy at times between Sydney and Canberra.
Any pics? :drinks:
Well.... the plan was to meet Baldy at the Shell Johnson Rd about 8.00am and go to the Generals from there, but me and Ken want to do some testing before then, so are meeting at BP Burpengary about 7.00 -7.15am.
We want to do some before and after tests on some of the on/off ramps to see how much difference the timing mod makes, sooo... I suppose if you want to be part of the test, Burpengary around 7.00, otherwise Johnson Rd about 8.00. As long as someone can lead the way to the Generals, cause I've never been there before.
How's everybody feel about that.
Thank you for the reply Bones...I guess I will see you guys at Burpengary BP just after 7.. :good:
hopefully the weather stays nice
All will meet at the Shell on Johnson Rd at 0800- 0815 depart at 0830hrs be there or be square lol I'll be leaving my place about 0645-0700 hrs and I'm about 40 mins from the Shell on Johnson Rd see you all there...... YOU TO Harvy :good:.
General is Darran coming down??
Engine mounts easy peasy :biggrin:
mobile zero four zero seven seven six 3 four six five
Blue FJR :good:
Hey all
Will see ya's at The Generals :good2:
Darran how's the front end going??
Quote from: baldy3853 on September 25, 2013, 07:53:58 PM
Quote from: The General on September 25, 2013, 01:02:31 PM
Quote from: baldy3853 on September 25, 2013, 11:06:33 AM
Ray If you haven't already installed them bring the lot and we can do most of them on Saturday!
No worries guys, I got tha steel through the handle screwdriver, big arse hammer, stilsens, multigrips, 2 shifters and heaps of band aids! I even got a puncture, a puncture kit that didn`t work and one Jimmy reckons will work - (be an interesting challenge - cause he sells them). Plenty of room under cover if we`re lucky enough ta get some rain, but looks like nice temp forecast. Plenty of magazine`s, lounge, chairs & me mate tha baker`s gunna cook us up fresh raisin Bread & healthy, soft bread Rolls straight from his oven, first thing...You can have`m drip`n in real Aussie butter, or your choice of peanut butter, Kenilworth Honey, and real man`s Vegemite along (with wake ya up type) coffee & stuff. We`ll duck off to the secret shed (15 mins down tha road) at midday (plenty of cars for transport) with the BBQ in tow for special manshed snags & entertainment. (If ya remember tha way I have ta shoot ya!)...Then back for more afternoon sport... (there`s a TV under this dust, somewhere!) :drinks:
Good need the tv to watch the horse racing :good2:
I had ta buy a set top box, but got that TV going clear as! Got the compressor working too!
I did ask for a bit of rain and he does owe me some favours, but I expect it still could be hot for a proportion of tha day.
:yahoo: So bring ya swimmers cause I got me a brand new pool for tha shed that ya can see the TV from! (I`d pack a camera too!)
mmmm...Might have ta lower some stuff, sweep up a bit, then get rid of tha pervert....but all set for tomorra! :good2:
That pool might be a bit of a squeeze, but yeah.. I reckon we'll all fit. :sarcastic:
What's with the toilet near your left foot Doug, is that where we take a leak is it. :good2:
Dougie....... me old mate me old china, need a favour buddy, have me a hot date north of you up near Darrans, need a shower after the long day in the shed, will bring my own towel :good2: :wacko2: :hang1:
Quote from: Bones on September 27, 2013, 12:35:34 AM
That pool might be a bit of a squeeze, but yeah.. I reckon we'll all fit. :sarcastic:
What's with the toilet near your left foot Doug, is that where we take a leak is it. :good2:
yep! All modern, my shed...with it`s own toilet, and even a door! Gotta shower too, though baldy might find the Garden nozzle a little harsh...I`ll turn tha tap down a bit! :sorry:
Well I will be there when I get there.. That means I will head up when I get up.
See ya all in the morning.
Don't forget you wet's .
still dumping down in short spurts out my way..lots of lightning too...think I will give it an hour or so to blow through and try to head up mid morning
Thanks again for hosting a good event.
Good to see everyone too.
Just pulled into home from another mighty day!
A couple of new faces today and we got a good bit done on Dougs is no longer hanging from the ceiling!
Here is an overview of about 3/4 of the bikes in Neil Dodd's private collection......... amazing what you can find in an industrial shed in a back street.
Thanks for hosting another great day Doug.
Thanks Doug for organizing the manshed day, I felt like a robot in a production line :sarcastic: at the start doing timing mods, but was glad to be of service. Also glad my sophisticated bracket done it's job. :good2:
That museum was a bit of an eye opener, old industrial shed in a back street , nice little collection to boot.
All in all a good day, met some more members, and look forward to the next one
Hi Doug great day again everything from the work done in the shed to the Sausage sizzle and the Museum many thanks for organising it :good2:
I have realised I've left my camera in your car, I need it for next weekend and will be up your way Tuesday.
Just a quick report - more later cause I`m off to work....What an incredibly fantastic day. They started pouring in the gate around 8am.
They jumped on tha coffee while Richard went for breakfast with the pervert!
Dash & Harvy Knew where they wanted to start.
Tony went straight to showing off his anti rattlegun bracket for the timing mod.
That got Everbody`s interest.
Newbie Paul, that we ran into at Haigslee recently, seemed a bit dubious of this Motley bunch.
Rob, another newbie, along with all of us got a bit worried when the whole inner and Outer Bearing of the engine Mount dislodged. At that stage Baldy mentioned that he`d never had that happen before....Ever. ...By the time he had repeated that for the 6th time and was about to enter the foetal position beside the pervert, Prob was solved and Rob seemed relieved he didn`t have ta sleep with the same accused pervert taht Saturday night!
.....To be continued...
thanks doug for a great time, a good day, enjoyed the museum, thanks tony for doing the timing mod to my bike, who would have thought an extra 10hp was waiting to be tapped for free and thanks again doug for lending me the air hark to try out, feels like your riding on a cushion of air, , ken
just wanted to thank everyone for a fantastic day yesterday..I had a ball. Special thanks to Doug for hosting and baldy for pulling my bike apart and nearly not getting it back together again..added lots of flavour to the day..cheers to Tony and Harvey for all there help also.
amazing tour through Neil`s private collection..feel very fortunate that I was able to be apart of that experience...
Just a great bunch of blokes enjoying everything FJ, having a couple of beers and sharing stories...dosn't get much better....unless you want to talk about the rugby of course....LoL.
Thanks again to all who everyone made me feel welcome.
cheers :drinks:
Quote from: The General on September 28, 2013, 06:50:51 PM
Tony went straight to showing off his anti rattlegun bracket for the timing mod.
That got Everbody`s interest.
Good bit of improv there.
Quote from: ribbert on September 29, 2013, 06:54:37 AM
Quote from: The General on September 28, 2013, 06:50:51 PM
Tony went straight to showing off his anti rattlegun bracket for the timing mod.
That got Everbody`s interest.
Good bit of improv there.
Thanks Noel, worked like a charm.
We soldiered on at a relaxed pace...
Rob, (Dayta) remembered his shorts but forgot his knee pads:
Harvy got 1 shoe on FJ3 but was a bit miffed how tha brake restraint restrained"
Xray could see what was goin on:
Meanwhile the bikes were backing up:
Jimmy1 gave us a little demo of his recommendation for a puncture kit and we took a break for lunch up the road at a mate`s shed. Unfortunately I left the Camera at home (with the bread) but it was pretty special, with lots of banter, great tucker and even informed debate on the best air seat - The Shed owner snuck in too for a coupla beers and I didn`t have ta shoot anyone cause they were all lost by the time we got there.
So Baldy kept us moving and in no time we were back home and they had 2 shoes on the Hanging fj3:
But we ran into a little prob with a broken Frame Bolt that will require surgery at a later date:
It was time of great celebration as we lowered her to the floor.
Mark (horse), Xray & Paul headed off home.
Baldy eventually hosed himself off & put on some fresh Clothes after a mighty all day effort- and he was off on a date, while there were back slaps and hand shakes all round as my street rumbled again from all that Horsepower heading off to respective homes.
I settled down to a quiet beer, just me, Pervert and FJ3 and thought what a great lot of blokes own FJ`s. The Secretary General also asked me to send on her extra special thanks. :drinks:
Doug, another great day, and as I think I mentioned last time, you really do spoil us at these Manshed days. Just sorry I had to leave early, I would have stayed till dark to help with FJ3.
Great effort by Tony with his Timing Mod production line, (Ken really loves his extra 10HP :lol:), Baldy, Harv and Daran looking after FJ3 and also Robs engine mount fix. Paul, Mark and I had a good run home, Mark had an exceptional run actually as we lost sight of him, :rofl2:, but I was happy just to plod along on the way home, was a bit tired.
I was going to stop at the Shell with you Paul, but I had to keep going, got back to the campsite just as the sun was disappearing, (but just as dinner was being served, talk about timing!)
Thanks again everyone, loved it, maybe sneak in another 1 or 2 before March? :drinks: